"Family" Dinner

144 8 1

CW: Anxiety, being ignored, cursing

Tommy's pov

"Thomas Dude?" Phantom mic said once again, I slowly got up out of my seat almost not in control of my own body walking towards the stage and standing next to him. What the fuck am I doing.

— After school —

Walking into the house I see Quackity and Hannah on the couch, "Hey." I casually say sitting next to Q. He smiles, "Hey Tommy! Did you get a job or anything?" Q asks. Hannah rolls her eyes, "Probably not." She mumbles.

"A-actually," I stammer, quickly they both look at me. "Phantom Mic chose me to be his intern." I say under my breath looking at the two of them. They both have a shocked face, "Holy shit! We need to celebrate Tommy!" Hannah yells standing upwards.

"Wha- why!? I'm nothing special! I don't even know why he chose me!" I stammer out of my mouth standing up followed by Quackity standing up, pulling me into a hug. "Because you got an internship!" They say in sync.

Quackity pulls out his phone, "we have to go out and eat tonight dude!" Quackity exclaims followed by Hannah snickering, "oh haha because of our last name very original." Quackity replies at his sister's humor. 

"Let me go get changed into something else then, I didn't really think I'd do anything cool today." I saw as Hannah nods, rushing into my room and throwing the jumper off my torso to get changed.

Glancing at my dresser and clothes, what the hell am I gonna wear? "What are we gonna do?" I yell out of my door holding it open just a crack.

"Quackity just called dad and he's gonna take everyone to a fancy restaurant, apparently you're not the only one with good news!" I hear Hannah yell back, "Alright!" I yell in response.What does she mean 'not the only one with good news' I wonder, did something good happen with Sam or something?

Whatever, fancy restaurant soo I should wear something fancy! Thank fuck I have a suit from homecoming this year.

After a bit of digging in my closet I finally find the suit, "Hey Hannah?" "Yes?" She replies, "Can you iron my suit? I don't know how to." I awkwardly mumble out of my door I hear a chuckle then she slightly opens the door. "Of course Tom, hand it here." Smiling I hand the suit and close the door once she has her arm out of the door.

I grab my phone to see Tubbo sent photos of his building he's interning at, "Cool Tubso!" I reply, "Ran did you get anyone to intern I forgot if you did" Tubbo texts into the chat. Soon enough we get a photo of Ranboo and... The hunter hero? "Loser you got the monotone voiced one to match your own." I text throwing my phone back onto the bed.

— Once the whole family got to the restaurant —

A waiter brought us over to the table. "Tommy you hadn't had a chance to meet him but I do have another son, you've probably heard Quackity and Hannah talk about him." Sam brings up, I nod as I sit down next to Hannah who seems intrigued by what Sam is saying.

"George? What about him?" Quackity says sitting down in his 'divorced dad' aesthetic outfit. "Dad!" I turn around to see someone with sunglasses on his head, a simple dark grey suit with a blue tie on walk over to us. 

"George!" Quackity and Hannah exclaim excited to see this stranger, "I'm George, Tommy right?" I nod shaking his hand I notice him jump a slight bit before relaxing and sitting down next to Quackity. Sam gives a side hug to George, "So Hannah I heard you have an internship with Halo?" Hannah nods. A waiter approaches and so we order interrupting the topic on heroes which was a relief but I know it's going to get picked up again.

I hadn't told da- Sam about my intership just yet but now seemed like the perfect time, "I got—" "I got a hero license, your looking at future hero mushroom the truth seeking hero!" George interrupts me. Quackity, Hannah and Sam all congratulate George not even thinking of what I was going to say. 

"Well I also have some good news," the others quiet down looking at Sam, "Ponk accepted the proposal." Oh Ponk, Sam's doctor boyfriend—well now fiancée—I don't know what I expecting for Sam to say but that seems pretty good news for him to want to tell us all, even if I don't care that much about Sam or his relationship I clap anyway. It's polite. The others all talk to eachother.

Quackity glances at me nudging my foot with his own, "Tom?" He mouths, I nod looking at him. He presses down on my foot, right when I first joined I was quite nervous so we made our own language. I press back twice.

Quackity smiles, "Hey big T also has good news Dad, Tom wanna share?" He says looking over at me. Sam and George look at me aswell, "I got a intership with Phantom Mic." I mumble.  George stares at me for a good few seconds not saying a word. I don't like him very much, he keeps acting weird with me. Sam smiles, "That's great Tommy!" He says as our food we had ordered arrived.

Oh, I don't have anything? I could've sworn I ordered food, I must've forgotten to. But that's fine I'll eat some leftovers at the house. George looks over at me, "Yes?" I say in a slightly rude tone "So you're going to work with Phantom Mic? He shares a building with The Blade and Philza." Oh fuck yeah! I'll get to see Tubso and Ranbitch!

"When do you start?" Hannah asks looking over at me, "Tomorrow I think? I don't know but we had to give whoever we are interning with our number so he'll tell me I guess?" I respond back to Hannah. She nods and everyone begins to eat.

— After dinner —

"Make sure you get a good nights rest, the first days Can be rough." Hannah says as I walk to my room, "Got it!" I exclaimed closing the bedroom door behind me. Quickly getting out of this itchy suit and into some casual pajamas, plugging in my phone on my bed stand and jumping onto my bed.

The blankets soft and warm, my mess of a bed welcoming a similar mess aka, me. I have to get up early tomorrow for- hm? I look at my phone with a message from an unknown 

— On the Phone —

Unknown Number: Is this Thomas dude?

Tommy: Why?

Unknown Number: It's Phantom mic, I wanting to inform you on your schedule tomorrow!

Tommy: oh sorry, I thought you were a spam message but yeah that's me.

Phantom Mic: it's no problem, I can understand the confusion.

Tommy: am I going to be busy?

Phantom Mic: Not really most of it is following me around and arranging meetings while I go on patrol, I do however have a meeting where interns are required to come so is that alright?

Tommy: Yeah

Tommy: I have a question actually

Phantom Mic: Shoot!

Tommy: I heard from a family member that you share a building with Philza and The Bade?

Phantom Mic: Yep! Why do you ask Thomas?

Tommy: I prefer Tommy one and because my best friends got internships with both of them.

Phantom Mic: well that's lucky for you isn't it?

Phantom Mic: I'll let you sleep now, make sure to get to the building by 6am (I know it's early for a Saturday)

Tommy: got it, what building?

Phantom Mic: the one with giant wings on it, it was at first just Philza's building after all

Tommy: 👍

— Normal World —

"That is really early, eh whatever." I say putting a alarm for five am and 6 am just in case, and fall back onto my bed to sleep.

Word count: 1307

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