Meeting topic.

134 8 2

CW: Anxiety, Fear, cursing

Soon enough a meeting that the interns had to be in came around and so the three interns stood next to each-other as the heroes talking at a table, "Do you know who they've been talking about?" Ranboo whispered to Tommy. The room went completely silent as a masked hero entered, "I'm sorry I'm late, I lost an important document on our subject today." He states sitting down at the table with the other heroes.

Tommy exchanges a glance with George, "Today we're talking about a pesky little rodent of a vigilante." Dream says throwing the document files on the table opening up to show images of Raccoon. Tommy froze seeing the photos, some of them he never even noticed being taken most probably came from body suit cams of course but it was terrifying to see photos of yourself.

"He doesn't attack innocent people though Dream, I told you this. If he hurts an innocent person then we have a reason to go after him." Philza grumbles rubbing his temple. Dream stares at the hero, "We don't know his real name—" "So? I mean do we just let the public know our identities?" Phantom Mic brings up holding up a file that says unknown for all personal information on Raccoon.

"I found some gears on the scene of a crime he was at, we can track the fingerprints and get him." Dream says holding up a small bag of gears and wires, "Fuck." Tubbo hissed, "Hm?" All the heroes looked at him confused "He hit his foot- don't mind us!" Ranboo says covering for Tubbo. Tommy and the two others exchanging a look of worry about the evidence left over, "Fine fine we can run tests but I'm handling them Dream. Raccoon is in my district." Philza says standing up and grabbing the bag.

"But it isn't? It's right outside of Philza's district of patrol, the neighborhood I cover isn't covered by any heroes." Tommy thinks analyzing the heroes and the files they have on him. The heroes come to agreement for Philza to cover the case with his sidekicks, "Tubbo come over here will you?" Tubbo nodded walking to the blonde hero.

"Bring these to the lab will you? Thanks mate!" Philza says as Tubbo runs out of the room with the small bag of gears and wires jingling. The Blade grabs a file, "I'll run a profile check and see if I can find anyone in the neighborhood He's in that's built similar." He says handing the file to Ranboo. The other heroes start to leave the room leaving Philza, The Blade and Phantom Mic with Dream.

"Do we have an estimate of his age?" Phantom asks looking at the different photos in front of him, "Early twenties however, a new hero Mushroom said that a single touch will let us find out all we need to." Tommy flinched. George's—Mushroom— goal was to get Raccoon captured. He's sure to find out about the secret identity of Raccoon now that he's living with Sam currently.

Tommy looks anxiously around the room, "Are we sure we can trust your intern Phantom? He looks quite uneasy at the mention of the vigilante." Dream states staring directly up at Tommy. Phantom mic quickly shutting down Dream, "It's his first day. Leave him be." Phantom snaps at Dream who reluctantly agrees. 

"Tommy, the meeting is done by now, can you bring these files to my office? I'll look through them later." Phantom says handing a few files on Raccoon to Tommy who reluctantly grabs the files and runs off. Running into Mushroom.

"Georg- I mean— fuck." Tommy curses running into the brunt hero, "Tommy." George mumbles and drags Tommy to a side hallway. "What are we doing George?" Tommy asks looking in the blank hallway, a single camera at the end and start of the hall.

"I know your secret Tommy." Mushroom whispers.

Word count: 644

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