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First person— Tommy

As I walked around in a circle on an empty apartment rooftop, very much so bored since there was nothing to do with no criminals or even someone just needing a little bit of help at the moment. 

I also decided to do a little bit of research on the heroes I'll working with now!

Looking down at my phone, scrolling through interviews with the heroes till one video title catches me off guard. "Philza's secret kid? The hell kind of title?" I mumble and sit down with my legs crossed, opening up the old short video. 

In the very badly recorded video was Philza fighting a small time criminal, an easy one really, like ones I deal with! but then a small, blonde kid who looked identical to the blonde hero ran up to him. He was talking a lot but i can't hear it over the background noise of the recorder. The winged hero looked down at the kid and quickly flew off with him before the video cut off.

"Huh.." I mumble and close the video out, "So Philza had a kid before." I mutter and look around. Wait... Why is Philza in this neighborhood right now. It's never having heroes watching over it.

Unfortunately for me, the hero spots me and starts to fly towards me on the bare rooftop of apartments. "Fuck!" I yelp and run off of the rooftop I was on, he was still flying after me, and could definitely catch up if I trip or hesitate a single bit!

Soon enough he still caught up and landed right in front of me, "What are you doing?" He says sternly. "Just patrol! You know, like how you heroes do!" I say and shoot him some fingers guns and start to walk backwards before I feel something behind me.

"Shit." I whisper and turn around to Phantom Mic standing there. "You know it's illegal right?" He says and grabs my arm. 

I roll my eyes, "I'm just doing what you guys do except in a district unseen by you fuckers." I spat out at them and tug for my arm back, struggling as his grip is stronger than I expected.

"That doesn't make it any less illegal." Philza says and walks over, "We'll let it pass once, because I'm in a good mood but if we find you out on "patrol" again we will have to arrest you." He explains and gives Phantom Mic a glare.

He looks offended but nods, letting go of my arm. "Thanks I guess." I mumble and rub where his hand was. "I do have to ask, did you buy the costume?" Phantom Mic chuckles, "It's quality kinda sucks." He snickers a tiny bit.

"I made it myself cunt." I groan and flip him off. The hero looks at me offended and before he could finish anything after openin his mouth Philza sighed, "Phantom Mic, stop being childish." He says and rests his hand on the hero's shoulder.

The two had a small bicker so I used this time to escape! Calmly turning around from them and running off the building we stood on, eventually getting to building with a good hidden alleyway and jump down.

"Fuck!" I yelp as I hit the ground, why did it hurt? I thought Tubbo fixed it so that all the force when I jump down would be collected in my shoe's soles. I look down to my hurting ankle and notice nothing, "whatever." I groan and start to slowly walk to Tubbo and Ranboo's apartment to change.

As I walked, I did see George but not in his uniform. He seemed to be just drinking a coffee or tea or some shit and sitting outside the same cafe.

"Huh?" I whisper and he looks up, looking at me across the street. "Fuck." I mouth and quickly turn away but not without glancing again. He was just back to looking around the street, people watching kind of.

He didn't even pull out his phone or anything to tell a hero?

I shrug and continue into the apartment building. The receptionist watched me as I entered, "They just left to get groceries a few minutes ago." She mentions and tosses me the spare key the two let me use but keep it with her. "Thanks!" I exclaim and head on up, it's unfortunate that they're not here at the moment but oh well!

I get to their door and enter the apartment, locking it behind me.

I looked around for any medical shit but instead found more hero gear, except it was themed to be purple and black? That can't be for me, my color scheme is all reds and very little blacks. 

I shrug and search more for the first aid kit or something like that for my ankle. Somehow I can't find it, it's probably just in one of their rooms but I don't want to snoop in their rooms.

I walk over to their couch and flop onto my back on it, scrolling through my phone of those articles and more.

"Tommy?" Tubbo says entering the apartment with Ranboo, they both have plastic bags with a store name of it. "Oh hey! I did something to my ankle—" "Like what." Tubbo groans out and walks over to me, looking over me behind the couch.

Ranboo taking the groceries over to the kitchen area, "I jumped off a building and the thing you added that was supposed to stop me from getting hurt while doing that apparently doesn't work." I say and take off the upgraded boots, handing them off to Tubbo.

"Dude your leg." Ranboo says and points to me, i look down and notice my ankle swollen.

Tubbo sighs, "You fractured it, I'll work on fixing this tech issue but I need you to stop jumping off buildings and just take the fucking fire escape you dunce." He says and walks out of the room.

"You couldn't find the first aid kit could you." Ranboo laughs out at me, "yes yes, whatever can you just help." I groan at him. "Yeah yeah I will, go get changed out of your costume." He says and points away.

I nod and walk off to their restroom to get changed out of my costume.

After getting help from Ranboo and leave

"I can't believe i fucking sprained my ankle." I groan under my breath as I walk to a bus stop.

Sitting at the bench for a few minutes before a shadow blocks the light of the sun near me. "Hm?" I look up and notice a burnt male standing there on his phone, he has a dufflebag over his shoulder. He looks oddly familar for some reason.

"Wilbur! Why are you taking the bus, we can literally just walk." A pink haired male exclaims walking over catching the brunt's attention. "Because I want to dick." He says and flips off the pink haired male who groans and leaves.

"What the fuck.." i mouth and look back towards the ground. "Sorry about that, my brother doesn't realize when there's others nearby." He says and looks towards me, I nod just trying to get him to leave me be till the bus arrives so I can get closer to Sam's house and rest my ass off for as long as I can.

He chuckles and smiles letting us just sit in silence till the bus finally arrived. I get on and he follows, but the bus was full except for one single seat. fuck.

He looks at me and smiles, walking towards a pole and standing next to it holding onto it. Oh- okay then. I walk to the seat and sit down, "Thanks." I mouth up to him. "No problem." He mouths back with a smile.

Word count: 1275

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