Fighting with my "father"

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A/N: don't ask about the photo, just wanted to add one

CW: Cursing, fighting verbally, Yelling

Tommy's pov: 

I reached the house but instead of going in the front door I'll go through Q's room, he said I could anyway. Walking over to the side of the house, keeping quiet and tapping on the window this is the part that others are easy at but me? My favorite part is getting in, it's like extra hero practice wait not hero. I'm a vigilante. I smiled seeing the man with a blue beanie open the window, "Move it big Q" I whispered as he moved out of the way, I backed up my shoes getting dirtier from the mud and grass from the recent rain the other day. 

Running towards the window I grabbed the top of the window and threw my legs in, "Perfect landing!" Quackity whispered yelled towards me, "Like always Big Q!" I said shooting finger guns at him. Turning around and closing the window, "You're really good at getting in here, you'd make a great hero." A good hero huh? Hm. Maybe big Q could know in the future of course, can't risk it right now. Sam is a cop after all. I walked out of Quackity's room to be met with an angry Sam, "Heyy—" "Don't "Heyy" me Thomas. Why are you late?" Well that was rude to interrupt me. "I got busy bitch." I said pushing him out of my way and to my room. 

"Thomas!" He yelled loudly, I flipped around giving a good old bird then ran to my bedroom. I fucking hate him, he's nice but the moment I act like me, I'm a problem child! I'm the mistake! He should just return me by now. Not everyone can handle the great Tommyinnit, and nobody could handle Raccoon. "Thomas don't ignore me!" Sam yelled through the door, "OPEN THE DOOR TOMMY!" He yelled, I threw it open standing angrily in the doorway was Sam, my hand on the doorknob tightened. He opened his mouth but before he could get a word out I interrupted him, "Stop. Just stop." I said letting go of the doorknob and crossing my arms.

"Why are you upset with me?" He said calming down, "Are you finally letting me go?" He paused and looked down to the ground. I'm not a idiot, "You've been talking with my agent and therapist. So, are you finally giving me back up?" I asked staring at him in his eyes. He looked confused, "Tommy. I'm not giving you up." I rolled my eyes, "Why are you being so difficult with me!?" He yelled then took another breath.

"I'm sorry." Sam said looking at me in the eyes. 

Sure he is, can he just leave me be? I want to be alone right now.

"Talk to me Tommy, I'm not your therapist but I am your father." I swear this bitch, "Your not my fucking father!" I yelled loudly Quackity can probably hear me, "My father left me at ten! I was abandoned at my house and forced into the system all because my mother is MIA, my brothers want nothing with me and my real father, is a asshole who left me to be a hero and raise his other kids. So please, keep telling me on how I talk to you on anything!" I yelled loudly. He stood there, in shock his face was frozen. I opened up about dad. My family. "We'll talk in the morning." I heard him mutter under his breath, "Okay." I said and closed the door. Walking slowly over to the bed with a messy red theme around it, a poster of a band and video games over my walls. A desk stuffed besides a closet, the twin sized bed showing laziness and messiness. I took off my red jumper, grabbing a oversized white t-shirt and red plaid pajama pants I changed into and dove into my bed.

Embracing myself in the covers, my phone on my end side table. I turned onto my side looking at a poster on my side wall, "You have it easy big man." I whispered to a poster of a movie character, Spider-Man a vigilante treated nicely, has a loving guardian, best friends. A girlfriend. I had some things he had, I had the guy in the chair and my gadgets supplier, I had best friends! I didn't care if I had a girl friend or not really, but I do wish heroes didn't think of me like a nuisance or a shit stain on their shoes. I'm only a kid trying to do good, not my fault my father abandoned me. My mind started to wonder, mostly on spider man and my life caparisons. Rolling onto my back I looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder if I'll have anyone telling me with great power yada, yada." I mumbled holding up my hands, "I don't have any powers my gadgets give me all my powers." I mumbled and pulled my hands back and rolled onto my side. It's funny, I remember how I choose my name as a vigilante. 

Word Count: 855

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