First Day

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An alarm on Tommy's phone rings through Tommy's ears blaring sound, this meant it was five am and he had to be at his internship in an hour. Slowly Tommy crawled out of his bed turning off the alarm.

"Let's get dressed I guess- hm?" Pausing his thoughts, Tommy noticed another message from Phantom Mic all it said was that he could whatever he wanted there is no dress code for interns which meant Tommy can wear his sweaters!

Tommy walked to his closet and dresser, throwing his pajamas into a hamper besides the closet and grabbing a blue sweater 'Club Sunday' written in colorful bubble letters on it. Grabbing some tan trousers and some socks, white with  red stripes on the top. He got dressed fast then remembered, shower. And so he quickly made his way to the bathroom he shares with Quackity grabbing a towel from the closet across the bathroom door.

Entering the messy cluttered bathroom, he put the towel on the toilet lid getting ready to take a hot shower for his first day at the internship. "Hey Alexa, play Hamilton soundtrack." The echo dot in the room started up and began to play a playlist from Spotify as Tommy sang along hopping into the shower.

— After the shower bc I feel uncomfortable describing that —

  Stepping out of the shower and drying off, "Hey Alexa what time is it?" Tommy asks as the echo responds "5:38 am." Tommy smiles nodding. "Perfect timing, I can get redressed, eat breakfast and get over to the building!" He plans out in his head quickly throwing his clothes back on along with deodorant, because nobody wants to smell gross teenager boys. Even Tommy himself doesn't want to.

Entering the kitchen Tommy gets jump-scared by Quackity walking right in front of him, "Jesus Q!" Tommy exclaims backing up holding his sweater tightly. Quackity chuckles, "Sorry Tommy I told dad I'd take you to the intership soo when you going?" Tommy sighs at his brother's antics and looks at a clock above the counter in the kitchen reading 5:40.

"Six am, I was going to eat something real quick then get my stuff." Tommy explains pointing back to his bedroom, "Got it! What do you want? I Can make some good pancakes—" "Occasionally." Tommy interrupts Quackity. Quackity stares at his brother a bit mad about being interrupted and the slight insult but shrugged, "Whatever you say we could also get some breakfast from like McDonald's or something." He brings up.

"Let's do that, I'll go get my stuff!" Tommy agrees and heads back to his room grabbing a satchel he got from a renaissance fair when he was first adopted by Sam. Stuffing the satchel with his phone, a charger and a notepad and his beloved wireless earbuds in their case followed all of the items. 

"What's the weather Q?" Tommy exclaims in a whisper yell down the hall as to not alert his siblings and fat- Sam. "You'll want a jacket over your sweater Tommy." Quackity says passing the hallway Tommy yelled it down, "thanks!" Tommy yells in the same voice back closing the door to grab a simple zip up jacket from the back of his door.

"It's almost six am, hurry up bro!" Quackity yells down the hall as Tommy quickly and clumsy runs out of his room towards the front door, "Let's go!" Tommy yelled as Quackity followed. Quackity wasn't exactly expecting his brother to be so ready for work with heroes. 

"You really are excited to see the heroes Huh?" Quackity laughs as he starts Sam's car. Tommy held onto his sweater tightly, the blue fabric seeping through his fingers. "Pancakes?" "Pancakes." Tommy agrees with Quackity as they pull into the drive through.

"It's officially six am Quackity, hurry up!" Tommy whisper yells as the food is handed to Quackity, "Thank you! Bye!" Quackity quickly says putting the food in the car and driving off.

"That's it!" Tommy says as Quackity stops as a giant modern, sky scrapper like office building with two wings of glass perturbing from the back of the building. Tommy looks around to see Phantom Mic about to enter the building, "Perfect timing." Tommy thinks hopping out of the car with his food.

"Oh there you are Tommy- right on time." Phantom Mic says as Tommy reaches the door behind him, "Heh I tried my best to get here!" Tommy mumbles. Phantom looks behind him, "who's that?" "My brother, he offered to take me." Tommy explains.

"No not the one in the car, the one besides Dream?" Phantom mic says pointing behind turning Tommy around, "George- I mean I don't know!" Tommy quickly stammers looking at the red and white spotted hero with a green mossy cape. Dream looks at the two, Tommy hated that stupid mask.

"Hello, I'm Phantom Mic's intern." Tommy introduces himself as to the two heroes holding out his hand, "Hey Tommy, glad to see you got here on time." George—or Mushroom—says waving as Dream shook Tommy's hand. Tommy flinched as Dream grabbed his hand, "tight squeeze." He hisses through his teeth.

George motions for Dream to let go and so he does, "Wait Ge—" "Mushroom." George corrects Tommy, "Yeah um you're a 'truth seeking' hero?" He chuckled looking at the heroes around. George nods, "It's a power I have but don't worry Tom!" He says looking at Tommy for a few seconds.

"Phantom, why don't you give your intern here a tour of the building? That is what I'd expect from a professional." Dream says as Phantom Mic nods dragging Tommy back inside. The two sigh in sync, "I hate tha—" they both stop their words by bursting into laughter, "Jinx." Phantom mumbles clearing his throat.

A winged hero enters the lobby with a rather excited looking brunt teen besides him, "And of course this is the lobby where—" the winged hero is cut off by the brunt teen's excitement. "Tommy!" Tubbo yells running and hugging onto Tommy, "Woah- Tubso try to look a little professional." Tommy mumbled to his best friend hugging him back.

Tubbo jokingly punched the blonde's shoulder, "Hey! What's that for?" Tommy screeched at the brunt. The two heroes looking at each-other than their interns, "So you know each other? Well that's good considering we work pretty much all the time with Philza!" Phantom Mic exclaims walking up to the two interns.

"Now, I'm going to give you a tour and these two should be on their way!" Phantom says turning Tommy around and leading him to the elevators. Philza chuckling, "You two are close aren't you?" Phil asks looking at Tubbo.

"Uh yeah kinda. When Tommy was little he was dropped off at the same orphanage I was at, I was brought there by CPS but that's all in the past now!" Philza watches as Tubbo's mood gets sadder before bouncing back up to the happy face he had entering the building that morning. "Mate, it's okay to get upset. I've had to do some things for my personal life before so that people I knew didn't get in danger." Tubbo looked at the hero.

"What do you mean, of course if I can ask?" Tubbo asks crossing his arms and looking directly at the blonde hero's eyes. The blonde winged hero looks at Tubbo, "A long time ago when I went onto patrol, my son had followed me and he almost got attacked by a villain I was going after and so I had to do something I regret now but I know he's safe now so that's all that's important." Phil explains his voice getting sadder.

Tubbo gives a small side hug to Philza, "Well if you think he's okay, he probably is!" He exclaims. "Your son was Tommy wasn't it?." Tubbo thinks as he follows Philza back to his area of the building.

Word count: 1294

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