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CW: cursing, anxiety, panic attack

"Georg- I mean— fuck." Tommy curses running into the brunt hero, "Tommy." George mumbles and drags Tommy to a side hallway. "What are we doing George?" Tommy asks looking in the blank hallway, a single camera at the end and start of the hall.

"I know your secret Tommy." Mushroom whispers.

Tommy goes quiet, "What do you mean Mushroom..." he mumbles looking at the assortment of files in his hands. Mushroom sighs grabbing Tommy by the wrist, "Be safe Raccoon." Mushroom whispered to Tommy before letting go and walking away.

"He knows... how long has he- this isn't good at all." Tommy's thoughts were scattered with anxiety and fear, worries and scenarios. What if Dream finds out? Or phantom mic? What if Sam finds out. Tommy began to hyperventilate dropping the files and falling to the floor. Sound being muffled and his breathing getting heavier and louder.

"Tommy!—" a teenager yells running towards the blonde, "Hey hey Tommy, it's me!" Tubbo reassured his best friend holding him close. The blonde grabbing tightly onto tubbo's shirt, "George knows. Mushroom knows about Raccoon and me." He states as his breathing is heavy against tubbo's neck.

A tight embrace between the two best friends, "it's okay. I won't let anything happen to you." Tubbo whisperers as the breathing gets lighter. "In and out Tom, it's okay. I'm right here." Tubbo says as Tommy cries more into Tubbo's shoulder. 

"Is everything alright out here?" Phantom Mic says coming out from the room, "y-yeah. Everything is good!" Tubbo says with a smile and leads Tommy to the lab. "I have Tommy with me right now Philza!" He exclaims as they enter.

Philza nods and walks over, "Did something happen?" He asks noticing Tommy's panic. "Let's just say, someone knows a personal secret of his.." Tubbo says as Tommy's grip on his jacket doesn't come loose. Philza looks at the boys with worry in his eyes and heart, considering it was only the first day of their internship, he said something to get boy's moods up.

"Take the rest of today off, I'll tell w-uh Phantom Mic." Philza says, struggling with the hero's real name for the first time in years. Tommy's head pops up, "Are you- are you sure we'd be allowed!?" He yelps out. Tubbo having the same surprise on his face, "Of course, and besides finding out about Raccoon being close to my district I'm going to do my own little research, the others—"

The Blade opened the lab door cutting off the man, "Phil I was able to connect it to a few guys in the neighborhood but I also found something I thought we might want to talk about separately." The man says walking past the surprised interns. Phil chuckles and smiles, "Blade, thank you but I was actually just explaining to the interns here that they could take a the rest off since it's only the first day." Phil says ruffling the blade's hair and taking a look at the files.

Ranboo looked over at his friend, clear worry for them too, "Are you guys okay?" He whispers. "No I'm not okay Ranboob!" Tommy whispers yells at him, "Mushroom fucking knows the secret!" Tubbo adds on in the same tone.

The Blade and Philza only looking over to see the three teens having the same panic in their faces, "Yo, you nerds alright?" The Blade asks with his head slightly tilted at the three. Philza looks at the other hero than the interns, "Can you three leave for just a moment please?" He asks of them and they do, leaving the lab and sit in the hallway on a metal bench.

"You okay Phil?" Blade asks looking at the blonde hero, "Techno, the vigilante name of "Raccoon" seems familiar to me, and I'm really hoping I'm wrong right now." He responds placing down the files and sitting down on a stool. 

The Blade slightly surprised by the man's behavior sits in the stool besides him. 

"You don't think that Raccoon is..." "Tommy? Yeah, I know it sounds slightly crazy but I think it might be true." Phil says and takes a deep breathe while rubbing his temple. 

Word Count: 690

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