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Third person

As Tommy grabbed the items from the envelope he noticed a few printed pictures of kids and a family and some folded cash too. But the most important part was the letter part. He grabbed that and placed the other items on his bed.

"Tommy, I'm so sorry that I had to give you up like this. But you're reading this now which means everything should be better for you and if it isn't, there's a few hundreds in here so that you can get yourself somewhere or something. I never want you to be in danger, that's why I gave you up. I'm sure you will remember me being a hero, but in case it's been years, I'm Philza and a villain saw you come up to me all happy and he figured out that i was a father. I couldn't risk you, Will or Techno being in danger so I gave you up so nobody would know. It was a selfish decision I'm aware but maybe one day, I'll get to apologize in person. But till then, stay strong Tom." Tommy read out from the letter, tears were slowly coming from his eyes.

His father, his biological father, was the same hero who told raccoon to stop being a vigilante. "Of course he—" he spat out before seeing more on the other side and went quiet. "P.S. Raccoon is a great hero or vigilante name, better than the ones your brothers come up with but don't tell them that!" He reads out quietly.

"Maybe he isn't that bad actually." Tommy thinks and stuffs the letter back into the envelope. "He said a couple hundreds, so how many?" He thinks and looks to the folded cash. Picking it up, there was five hundred dollars separated in fifties. 

He chuckled and smiled, grabbing his wallet from his night stand and putting the bills inside of it. "He kept mentioning brothers.. I barely remember them though." He mutters and turns towards the upside down photos.

Grabbing onto them and reading the backs, "Wilbur and Tommy's matching Halloween costumes, The boys come up with hero costumes, Tom's first haircut. These are corny." He chuckles and looks at the photos and sure enough it matched their titles. 

"So Philza is my father then." He thinks and looks at his ceiling, falling back onto the bed on his back. "Me, the winged heroes son huh." He mumbles.

Word count: 400

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