Heroes Day

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Tommy's Pov

Waking up to the sun shining through my blinds I quickly threw my blanket over my head, "Tommy! Wake up! You have school!" Sam yelled through the door "Go fuck yourself!" I yelled back. Sam burst into my room and threw the blanket off me, "WHAT THE HELL!" I shout at him staring directly at him. "Get up and get changed for school, your going to be running late so I'm taking you." Sam says staring back at me "I'd rather die than be drove by you. I'll take my skateboard." I snap at him as he still looks at me dead in the eyes "Get in the car Tommy." He demands of me, "Ugh fine." I groaned "But I'm riding my skateboard back, now get out." He leaves my room so I can get changed.

I go over to my dresser grabbing the red jumper from last night and some jeans to change into as I throw off my pajamas quickly, Sam isn't very patient. I take a glance at my calendar on my door realizing what day it is, Hero day. The day were heroes come to my school give a lecture and a lucky few get to be their interns or something I don't know exactly what their given. Quickly I slid on socks and shoes then run out of the door, "Gah!— Tommy!" I heard Hannah yell as I nearly avoided running into her, she is my foster sister but she was also a hero's intern so I couldn't trust her with my secret unlike Quackity. Speaking of big Q, I saw him in the kitchen eating breakfast sitting on the counter "Dude you good?" "No I'm running- late..." I look over at notice that it's 6 am. My school starts at 9 am. 

"SAM YOU PRICK!" I yell knowing he did that to get me up, "What are you going to do to impress the heroes?" Quackity askes putting his empty bowl on the counter besides him "Probably nothing." Hannah said behind me. "Fuck you Hannah" I say flipping her off, "You always talk shit about heroes! Why would you want to be an intern for one?" She's asks putting her own bowl from breakfast in the sink, "I was abandoned by heroes." I snap at her, she rolls her eyes. 

"I'm not going to be an intern for a hero." I comment, "You could do something else!" Quackity says "Like make tech for them, wait no you're not the most tech savvy I forgot that." Quackity corrects himself looking away awkwardly.

 I'm not tech savvy like Tubbo is but that would be fun, "Atleast try to impress a hero today lil bro." Quackity says getting off the counter. Why does everyone think I have to impress heroes to be worthy of something. Well everyone but Tubbo and Ranboo.

— When he got to the school —

"Tommy!" Tubso yells running at me followed by Ranboo walking "Hey guys what's up?" I answer, "It's hero day! I wonder if can get a Intership or even work as a hero tech maker for a week!" Tubbo exclaims happily. 

"What about you bossman?" I say looking over at Ranboo, "I don't really know, I might give doing a hero intership a try but it's probably pretty boring." They reply. Soon enough the bell goes off and we head to our advisory well technically the auditorium every hero day we have an assembly then go to advisory and have heroes watch us work the entire day! Fun right?

Ranboo and Tubbo sit next to eachother and I get put into a different seating row than them, a kid with a 'I believe' alien patch on his jacket sits down next to me. He seems pretty cool and tired of this day already just like me , "You good?" I ask whispering to him before the assembly starts.

"My brother is so going to embarrass me." He mumbles towards me, "Hm? Who's your brother?" I ask looking around. The cool looking kid sighs "The golden hero, Punz." ... oh. "Oh that's uh cool." I hiss out of my clenched teeth, I hate heroes but I can't really show that. Soon enough the assembly starts with the principal approaching the microphone with a line of heroes behind her, I recognize a few from TV and other things.

As a vigilante I've had some run ins you could say with a few heroes, example A: The masked hero Dream. He really hates my guts, I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if he wasn't a hero. I'm getting off topic, I look up at the stage to see two heroes that feel similar, well one I saw last night but the other something about him just makes me feel... nostalgia? 

The principal introduces the heroes on the stage, The blonde winged hero Philza is the first followed shortly by others like the pirate hero Captain, Halo the demon hero and others I don't really care to know about. But then it got to the two heroes who give me a feeling of nostalgia, "Introducing the singer hero Phantom Mic!" The principal says as the hero who followed me and Phil walks up to the microphone.

"Hello! It's nice to come to your school, fun fact I went here when I was in high school!" The crowd erupts in clapping for this hero, all because he went here? Dramatic much? Glancing over at the kid next to me I notice he is staring at a blonde hero in a white hoodie, the golden hero so that's his brother huh?

Next is this pink haired hero, "The hunting hero, blade!" The principal as he walks up grabbing the mic "Hello." He says in a low monotone voice the crowd in the auditorium is much quieter than it was for 'Phantom Mic' poor guy. 

Soon enough the assembly is done and we're sent to advisory to start the day! By the end of the day the heroes will have chosen who is gonna go with them to a hero agency.

— Time skip to the end of the school day —

Here we go, "I can't wait to see who they chose!" Tubbo squeals as we sit back down in the auditorium this time I'm next to Ranboo and Tubbo. 

The heroes are all up on stage with papers in their hands, "Alright everyone it is the time of the day everyone has been waiting for," the crowd erupts in clapping "The heroes are going to choose who will get to work as a Inter for a week!" The principal finishes letting the heroes one by one announce their list of kids.

The blonde hero Philza goes first, he was in some of the classes me and Tubbo share today wonder if it'll be anyone I know he chooses? He clears his throat and glances at the paper then the crowd, "Would a Tobias Underscore like to come and work as a tech intern?" Holy shit.

Tubbo shoots up out of his seat nodding profusely, "Come on up Toby!" The principal says as Tubso runs up to the stage standing next to Phil. That was a hella good choice for the hero, Tubbo is the best tech person I can think of in this world. 

I may have zoned out for the rest of his list and so the next few heroes came, Punz chose someone named Grayson and it turned out to be the alien jacket kid from earlier. Damn, I feel bad for that kid. The masked hero Dream grabbed the microphone and asked for someone and then it was Phantom Mic's turn to say his list.

"Thomas Dude, I would like to choose you as my intern!" 

I'm sorry... WHAT?!

Word count: 1286

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