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Third Person

"So I guess we to go early?" Tubbo says looking at the other two who nod, Tommy pulls out his phone to text the hero he's an intern of. "Oh well what Philza says goes so go on ahead! Enjoy your day!" The hero responded. 

Tommy started to walk ahead of the other two, "Come on!" He calls back to his friends. "Coming!" Tubbo exclaims catching up with the blonde, "Wait up!" Ranboo yells following as they exist the building. 

"Hannah—" Tommy cuts himself off running into Halo and his intern, "Tom! So sorry about that, but how is your day going as an intern?" Hannah says grabbing ahold of Tommy's sleeve before he fell down. 

Halo looking at the teenager interns, "Is this your little brother you were talking about Hannah?" He asks turning over to the blonde teen. "Uh yeah, Halo meet my little brother Tommy!" She says introducing the two and giving Tommy a quick glance of 'what the hell is going on with you' that he knew immediately.

"It's nice to meet you sir!" Tommy says with a smile, "So you're an intern here? Who do you work under?" Halo asks looking up at the building than at Tommy. "Oh um Phantom Mic, he picked me and my friends intern for Philza and The Blade.." he replies a bit weary of the hero.

Not as much as he was seeing and talking with Mushroom however.

"Anyway, Tom I'll see you later!" Hannah says as the two walk off from Tommy. A giant sigh came from Tommy, mostly from relief. "Thanks for talking for us, that was awkward." Tubbo chuckles, "No problem boss man.

Once Tommy got home

"I'm back!" He exclaimed to test if anyone was home, and nobody responding quickly boosted his mood. He doubles checks by opening every door of the bedrooms before running to his own.

"A little bit of daytime patrol won't kill me, and I need something to do before my boredom kills me." He groans out and pulls out his costume, quickly changing into it.

He grabs onto the red cased phone after changing, "Going on patrol." He quickly types out and sends to Tubbo and exists his house excited to be back on patrol again.

A/N: Apologies for being gone for so long, I was logged out of the acc and just today logged back in. I'll start a new part really soon, this one is short because I want the next one to be all on its own full of patrolling content! Have a nice day and make sure to eat and hydrate!

Word count: 430

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