Getting the name of Raccoon

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A/N: this entire chapter is a flashback btw

Tommy was on his brothers bed playing video games when his father entered the room, "Tom, can you follow me mate?" The blonde man said so Tommy got off the game and followed his father. The two brothers who were also in the room, looked concerned and confused, "Oh wait Tom don't forget Bandit!" One exclaimed picking up the raccoon plush and ran towards where his younger brother and father walked to. A small suitcase was packed and his father was about to leave, "Dad? Where is tommy going?" The man ignored his eldest and tried to get Tommy to as well before Tommy ran back grabbing the raccoon plush. Tommy smiled brightly showing blue braces, "Thank you will!" He exclaimed his older brother smiling.

Hugging onto Tommy tightly, "I love you Tommy!" He said with a smile, "Come on Tommy." The father insisted trying to make this less painful for his eldest son. Wilbur looked over at the man before he left, "You'll get him back right?" He asked, "I hope so, but it's dangerous considering a villain found out he's my son—" "I know, I know. It's why me and Techno can't go out with you on patrol." Wilbur paused. "TECHNO AND I, GRAMMAR WILL-I-AM!" Techno yelled from his room, "Oh shut up you fucking nerd!" He yelled back. Phil sighed and took the youngest out of the house closing the door behind him.

"Where did—" Techno asked before being cut off, "Tommy had to leave, he was seen with dad on patrol." Techno was frozen, "So we just lost our brother?" Wilbur nodded as a tear ran down his face. Techno stared at the floor in shock, "We'll see him once we become heroes." Techno mumbled. "But that seems like forever till then." Wilbur mumbled as well, "It won't be, we're almost teenagers you can get a internship at a hero agency as a teen." Techno reminded his older brother, "Your right." Wilbur said turning to techno, a small smile on his face.

"Just a few more years." The two said in sync.

The blonde man stopped at the front of the orphanage, "Hey Tommy, If you were a hero what would you choose as your name?" Phil asked looking down at the ten year old. Tommy looked confused then looked at his raccoon plushie, "Raccoon!" He exclaimed.

Word count: 394

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