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Sunday morning

Third person

Tommy opened his eyes noticing he fell asleep after reading the envelope. Glancing towards his phone with a text making the screen turn on, "who the fuck-" he grumbles tiredly and groggily before realizing it was Phantom Mic telling him about coming in this morning.

"FUC—" he yelped and stood up and falling back down due to getting up too fast and almost fainting, "fuck fuck fuck." He repeats and quickly gets dressed. 

He quickly grabbing the envelope with the letter inside and stuffing it inside his pocket with his phone and wallet. 

Soon enough he was rushing out of his room in a simple graphic tee with a red zip up hoodie over it and some jeans, he sees Quackity and George talking in the kitchen. "Fuck me." He mumbles to himself and slides his shoes on, trying to slip past the two.

"Oh Tommy there you are, was wondering if you'd get up on time!" Hannah exclaims, seeing him from the couch. "Heh- yep! I'm up!" He says and shoots her finger guns. "I'll take you to the building today, Halo wanted me to meet him there anyway." She says and walks towards the anxious blonde.

He nods as the two of them head out the door, "Thanks for taking me with you." Tommy says in relief. "I thought I was going to be late." He says and looks towards her. "No problem Tom." She says with a smile.

"You know, I think you'd like working with the heroes professionally." She mutters with a smile, "Hm? What do you mean?" He responds confused by what she meant. "Like by working in the building full time, like I do." She says and shows her internship badge. 

He chuckles, recalling the envelope's letter.

"Maybe." He says with a snicker as the two park outside the building. Tommy looked up and saw Blade talking with Philza, Hannah saw the two and tilted her head. "Why are they waiting outside?" She whispered as the two of them got out of the car.

Tommy walked up to them, "Good morning!'" He says with a smile. Philza paused and smiled, waving towards the interns. "Morning, looking for Phantom Mic I presume?" He says with a chuckle.

"Well yeah but I was wanting to talk to you first actually." He says and pulls out the envelope, the side with name facing him. "Oh, alright then." Philza says with a smile.

Blade was watching the two silently and observing the letter in Tommy's hand. "I kinda have this and well— fuck i don't know how to say this heh." Tommy mumbles and shows the letter towards Philza.

"Hm?" Phil grabbed the letter and paused seeing the name. "Tommy I—" "It's okay, I get it. I read everything in it." He says interrupting the hero, "Phil?" Blade whispered and looked over the winged hero's shoulder gasping.

Tommy noticed the hunter hero gasp and looked at him confused, "Why do you—" "Theseus!" He exclaims and grabs onto Tommy with a tight hug. "What is going on!?" Tommy squeaks out.

"Techno let go of him, he's confused enough." Philza chuckles, "Blade is your older brother, Techno." Phil says pointing to Blade as he released Tommy from the hug. 

Tommy was silent and looked at Blade, "Holy fuck." He gasped out. "And Phantom Mic is my eldest, Wilbur." Philza says and ruffles Tommy's hair. 

"Holy shit." Tommy says and looks at the two of them in surprise before looking away. "Tom?" Blade said in a worried tone, noticing the sudden change. 

Tommy fidgeted with his hands, "What are your opinions on vigilantes?" He says in a whisper. "As long as they don't hurt the innocent I don't mind the extra support." Blade says with Phil nodding. "Unfortunately they are illegal however." Philza adds on.

"I have something to tell you later heh." Tommy says and waves, going inside of the hero building that was super crowded to see a short brunt run up to him. "How is your ankle doing now Tom?" Tubbo says and looks up to his taller best friend.

Tommy smiled and looked down, the swelling was gone? "It was still swollen last night- how did it..." he gasped out and looked up towards Tubbo who shrugged just as confused as his friend. "Maybe someone has a healing ability in your house?" Ranboo says walking up to the two of them with drinks for the three, a tea for Tommy and Tubbo and a coffee for themselves. 

"Oh yeah maybe!" Tubbo exclaims, "But aren't only very few jobs that aren't heroes legally allowed to use their powers?" He adds on looking at Ranboo. "That's true." He says and sighs.

Tommy shrugs, "Whatever, have you two seen Phantom Mic yet?" He asks the two who both shrug. "Oh wait no- I saw him and Dream talking." Ranboo says and points towards an office with a label of 'Dream—The masked hero' on its door. 

"Fuck." Tommy thinks and smiles, "Well I better get going, your heroes are outside by the way!" He says and runs off from his friends.

Reaching the door he could hear the heroes arguing inside, "Raccoon is a danger to all of us and Mushroom knows his identity! Why won't you just let us deal with him!?" Tommy made out from Dream's voice. "Fuck." Tommy mouths and listens for a few more seconds before Phantom Mic exited the office.

"Oh- Tommy! There you are heh." Phantom Mic gasps out getting spooked by the teen, "Sorry but what was all of that about?" He asks looking towards the office door. "Dream wanting to hurt a vigilante who hasn't harmed anyone at all." Phantom Mic says in a disappointed tone.

Tommy sighs and looks towards the ground, "I um kinda need to tell you, Philza and Blade something if you could tell them to meet us somewhere." Tommy whispers and nervously chuckles. "We can talk in Phil's office, it's at the top of the building." Wilbur says and points upwards.

"Sounds great." The teen says with a smile.

A few minutes later, the four were in the office.

"I'm assuming you're confused?" Tommy laughs out, Philza nodding. "Okay well um, you guys know that vigilante Raccoon?" He says with a smile.

Word count: 1025

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