A thing I did for school

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A/N: we had to write a story with a prompt in class so here it's Tommy, but it has nothing to do with the current chapters think of it like a oneshot.

"There are only a few people that can save them!"

Yeah sure. Heroes save people but they get money from it, popularity. I don't, all I get is knowing that nobody else is dead from ignorance of cops, heroes and others. Sitting on top of the nearby rooftop, looking down onto the sidewalk as my own "patrol" you can say, is entertaining it's like people watching. But I get to point out and stop the thugs. Oh there's one, looks like a feisty one too, two hostages? This man is bold Hm. Welp time for me to stop this. Grabbing onto the roof with my hands I pushed off and landed on the ground, my fall softened by the custom made boots, credits to my best friend for the amazing gear. I walked up to the thug, "Hey man just let them go and we can have this the easy way." He scoffed, "Like hell I will! Money now. Or these two are gone." He's a annoying prick with his head in his butt ain't he? Guess it's up to me then.

I slowly started walking towards him, "Heh you gonna fight me little kid?" The hell is this dude on? I'm 6'1 and he's like 5'5 he's the little one here "Maybe!" I chimed and walked towards him faster "The hell? What are you doing?!" He yelled, distracting silly. And it's working, I don't have any weapons, I'm a fighter and avoider only. "Get the hell away!" He yelled, "Nope!" I called grabbing his shoulder and kicking his feet under him causing him to fall backwards as the two hostages got away. "Don't get up." I said leaning my boot against his lower spine, "You'll only hurt yourself." Smiling brightly i saw a cop run towards us. Finally someone who can legally take this thug.

I let my boot go the moment the cop got close enough to hold him, "I'll be on my way now, Maybe get some heroes out here next time and you wouldn't need some low Vigilante helping you." The cop was looking around. "You did this alone? No weapons?" Heh "Of course!" I said smiling and chuckling slightly under my breath. "What's your name, a vigilante always has a name." He isn't wrong, "Just call me Raccoon. Peek the costume?" I said flipping the raccoon tail and my raccoon ears moving up and down. The amazing costume and gadgets all made by my best friend, he really is a amazing guy in technology. "Good bye and good night!" I called running up the side of a building and onto the roof, "Tommy?" I heard my mic say "Yes Tubbo?" I responded, "You muted yourself what happened?" Heh. "I just finished catching somebody calm down, he was easy honestly." Walking along the rooftops and hopping to the next one.

"Well head back I have a surprise for you." A surprise for me? "For me? Wow that's so kind of you Tubso!" I called in a joking manor, "Get your butt over here raccoon." "Yes sir Bee." I responded.

Word count: 542

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