Sam's home

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First person—Tommy

Walking back from where the bus dropped me off, it was barely a walk. Half a block at most, so when I got to the house I was surprised to see Sam's car and someone else's that I didn't recognize. 

I take a deep breath and enter the house, Sam and Ponk were cuddling on the couch watching a medical kind of show that I've seen them watch before. "Tommy? You're done with your Intership today already?" Sam says noticing me enter the house.

"Yep! Let us go early." I say and try to walk past before Ponk called my name out. "Yeah?" I respond looking back at him, "Your ankle looks swollen, you fall or something kid?" He says and points towards my swollen ankle. 

I chuckle, "Yeah just missed a step on the stairs and tripped down a few so sprained it." I say and look off to the side from him or Sam's glance.

"I see, well take it easy. I'd recommend telling whoever your hero that you're the intern of about it." He says and smiles, Sam nodding. "I agree with Ponk Tom." He says looking up at me from the couch. 

I hold back the snarky remark in my head and just nod, walking back to my room and throwing myself onto my bed. Kicking my legs about with my head stuffed into my pillow, I'm so fucking pissed about those stupid ass heroes!

Pulling my head out of the pillow and looking over to my dresser, there's an envelope that I still haven't opened. 

Flash back—third person

"Thomas, your father wanted you to have this for whenever you got taken into a foster home or adopted." A young woman says handing the preteen blonde a white envelope with nothing but the name 'Tommy' wrote on it. 

The preteen looked at it and nodded, taking it into his hands. "What could he possibly have put in here?" He mumbled and entered his brand new foster home. It felt like he was back in an orphanage with the first thing he heard was loud toddler cries but he knew it wasn't the kids fault.

He looked back at the envelope and scoffed, stuffing it into his bag and smiled. Ready for his first ever foster home.

Flashback over—Tommy's pov again

I sit up from my bed, reaching out for the simple sealed envelope with my name written in cursive. "What do you have to say to me Dad." I mumble as I open up the old envelope gently as to not rip anything inside of it accidentally. 

Word count: 425

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