pinky swear

382 3 18

hello my lovelies happy wednesday and welcome to ANGST.

this is for Aubrey_Plaza_Stole_HappiestSeason on ao3 and hoooo man buckle up lol.

tw for
discussion of alcohol/marijuana
borderline SA (it's not, but to be safe i'm putting the tw in anyway)
a smut scene towards the end
and as always if i've missed something please let me know!!

enjoy :)


Janis almost breaks down in tears just crossing the threshold to the house she shares with her wife.

She lugs her suitcase behind her, ignoring how light it feels in comparison to her emotional baggage as she tries not to bash the walls and scuff the paint. Drywall is not cheap.

She heaves it onto their bed and unzips it, tossing all the clothes into the laundry hamper and returning the toiletries to their proper places in the bathroom. The moment she's dreading most comes as she starts to put away her shoes.

Cady comes into the room as her back is turned, wrapping her arms around her waist and giving her a squeeze. "Love, when did you get home? You didn't even come say hi. I missed you."

Janis braces on the closet doorknob and sighs heavily before she turns around to face her. "I have to tell you something."

"Okay, what?" Cady says, eyebrows tight with worry. "What is it?"

"I... I slept with someone else. I cheated on you," Janis whispers. The shock is evident on Cady's face when Janis dares to glance upwards. "There was a party, I got drunk and she hit on me. And I... I went with her. And I know it... doesn't make it any better, but there was nothing else. Just that. I don't even know her name."

"You cheated on me?" Cady hisses shakily. Janis nods, eyes cast to the floor in shame as she fiddles with her wedding ring. She jumps as Cady's volume suddenly picks up. Janis was expecting it, but it's still jarring. Cady never yells. "How could you?! Did-did our wedding vows mean nothing to you? What the hell were you thinking?!"

Janis doesn't answer. The I wasn't goes unsaid.

"And now you won't even say anything?!" Cady laughs bitterly. Janis tries, tries to say anything to redeem herself, anything she can, but Cady doesn't even let her get a syllable out before she says, "No. I- you... you need to leave. I don't want to see you right now."

Janis nods solemnly, grabbing her keys and phone before she heads back out the door she just came in.

She doesn't go far, she stops on their front porch and sits down on the concrete. It's cold, and still damp from the rain last night. Her ass goes numb almost immediately, but she doesn't notice. All she can do is replay what little she remembers of the incident over and over and over again, like some kind of sadistic record. Just skipping, repeating the worst parts, again and again and again.


"Hey baby," the woman husks into Janis' ear. "Where'd you come from?"

"Oveeeer there," Janis slurs, pointing to the bar. The woman laughs, low and sultry, more a loud exhale than much else.

"You're not from around here," she murmurs. "Anyone ever tell you you're, like, really pretty?"

"'Few people," Janis says. "Wait, wait, I-I have a girlfrien'. Wife, even."

"She's not here, is she?" the woman purrs. Janis shakes her head. "Then what's the problem?"

Janis thinks. She can't come up with anything.

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