the melted clock

128 3 78


lol but in all seriousness happy halloween!! welcome to the halloween chapter ooooooh spooky

tw fooooor
mentioned suicide
and as always if i missed something please let me know so i can add it in :)



Cady sighs as she walks into the art classroom on the first day of school. She's never really been one for art, but she needs the credits to graduate.

She's not quite the first one there, but she's close to it. Two boys are set up on easels side by side towards the middle of the classroom, and a tall girl with thick, dark hair hides behind her own in the very back row. Cady picks one as close to the front as she can stand to be so she has the easiest view of what the teacher does.

Her classmates trickle in, some by themselves, and others with a friend or two. Everyone picks an easel and takes their seats on the stools behind them. Their teacher comes in and passes out their (cheap watercolor, to start with) paints, and they get started.


The first week or so goes okay. It's mostly about things like lighting and color theory and stuff Cady just has to take in and not act on.

Then they get their first assignment. And Cady quickly realizes she has absolutely no idea what she's doing.

It's a beginners painting class, so she's positive that she could turn in the worst thing the teacher had ever seen and still get a decent grade, but it's not worth the risk to her GPA to turn in anything less than B+ worthy.

She goes to the teacher after class and gets some helpful pointers. She's also told the room is open after school if she ever wants to come spend some extra time working on projects.

Cady takes her up on it almost immediately.


The room is empty when she walks in, so she gathers her supplies and picks an easel. She's not stuck with the front of the classroom since the teacher isn't there and there's nothing she needs to learn or focus on.

She settles for the one furthest in the back, by the huge windows.

She's just clipped her painting to it to resume working on it when her the hair on her neck starts to stand on end. Is someone looking at me?

Cady looks out the window she's next to to see. Nobody's there, and the windows are tinted on the outside. Unless they were pressed right against the glass, nobody could see in anyway.

Must just be my imagination.

Or not.

Cady jumps as she turns back the other way and sees the girl she saw on the first day standing, staring at her. "Jesus!"

Somehow, she materialized next to Cady in almost complete silence, in spite of being about five inches taller than her and clearly weighing a bit more. She's certainly not small, by any means, and her clunky boots look like they'd be hard to keep quiet.

"Sorry." is her only greeting.

"No, it's okay, sorry for screaming at you," Cady says with a giggle. "Do you need something?"

"...No. It's fine," the girl says softly.

"Are you sure? You were kinda... staring," Cady stutters awkwardly.

"I'm sure. You're just... in my spot."

"Oh!" Cady says. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"That's why it's fine," the girl says. "Don't worry about it."

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now