15. Clothes, Life, the Moon and Stars

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They ended up with takeout food at the Han River. Dae Eun had wanted to take him to a restaurant but he knew from chatting with Sunhee that she was really craving for burgers. He told her that to him it was a gourmet meal, and they ordered from his favorite burger joint. It wasn't fast-food though, and they had time to wait before the food arrived at their spot at Hangang. The weather was getting colder with fall approaching, but still comfortable for now. There were fewer people about since it was a weekday, and they were able to sit on the concrete steps by the waters.

 There were fewer people about since it was a weekday, and they were able to sit on the concrete steps by the waters

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"Do you come to Seoul often?"

"No, only when I need to buy supplies or check the apartment. And times like these when I need nice clothes. There are shops in Geumsan too, but not like here in Seoul."

"Why are you so tight with your money?" Taehyung had to ask. He was never one to beat around the bush when he wanted to know something.

Dae Eun laughed. "I'm sorry, it's just the way I am. I work very hard and have a lot of responsibilities."

"But you're well off."

"My family maybe, but I try not to mix into the family business much. I work there on a retainer basis only, for our social responsibility programs. Other than that and my shares from the company, I have no other income stream from our family business."

"Your farm, is it a UN Project?"

"No, the farm has been with us for a while now. It was my grandparents' and they passed it on to me. It's more like a community project, the workers farm the land and get a share of the produce in return. We all sell to nearby markets, although I wish we could do more. We have really good organic fruits and vegetables. I'm just not good at marketing them, and most of the time we have an over supply. What I do for the UN are prototypes for sustainable urban farming, so that small communities - especially the poorer ones - can grow their own food in limited spaces. It's part of our company's advocacy for food security."

"That's really impressive. Why don't you bring your farm produce to Seoul and supply restaurants?"

"I tried. I guess I'm too young and, being a woman, everyone I've spoken with would rather talk to my dad. He has no time for any other business than ginseng though, and I really want to do this on my own, so I never asked him for help. Farming is tough, especially with global warming getting worse. The weather has become so erratic, so I aim for quality than quantity when it comes to our produce. I also look for other places to put my savings. The apartment at Myeong-dong is something I've saved up for and this year I'll have recovered my investment."

"That's great, Dae Eun. I wish I could do the same."

"Where do you invest your earnings?"

She was very direct, too, and didn't seem to consider their age difference. Maybe she was schooled abroad, he thought. "I buy property, too. But most of my funds are invested by banks."

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