62. To Have and To Hold

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"I didn't know getting married could be so stressful!" Dae Eun confessed to June in a video call.

"I thought you said you hired a wedding planner."

"Yes, but there's still a ton of details we have to decide on." Dae Eun couldn't tell her that they were also finishing up the house in Geumsan and the apartment in Seoul, and that the cost of furnishing both residences had already passed the billion won mark. She was beating her brain, trying to find where they could save to offset those costs.

"You're still going to have one thousand guests?"

"Yes, there seems to be no point of compromise. Taehyung wants to invite even his grade school principal. He has so many friends!"

"They don't call him a social butterfly for nothing, beshie. I think it's sweet. And besides, he can afford it."

"He worked so hard for this money, June. I don't want him to spend it all on the wedding."

"And where would he spend it if not for the most important moment of his life? Relax besh, rumor has it he has so many offers now his manager is having a headache."

Dae Eun knew precisely why Manager Se-Jun was having a hard time. It was because Taehyung refused to do love scenes of any sort, including kissing scenes. The producers were up in arms, but still lining up with projects and scripts.

"I don't want him to work so hard anymore. I just want him to do what he wants to do."

"Which is to sing and write songs, make movies and TV series, do reality shows, be a fashion icon, and lately a culture ambassador. I don't think this is work for him, besh. He loves being out there."

"He does, doesn't he?" Dae Eun wondered how she could help her wangjanim. For now she would build them both a safety net for that time, if or when he would decided to leave the limelight.

"There's less than a month left, Dae Eun. Are you excited?"

"Yes, very. And scared, too."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know... being Mrs Kim, the wife of the global influencer, singer, dancer, actor, fashion icon? Me... you know me. How will I fit in all that?"

"Oh, beshie, you're already doing so well. Just be yourself. You're his anchor, you'll balance him."

The polaris to his evening star, Dae Eun thought. She needed to be fashionable too, and beautiful all the time, in a non made-up kind of way, like her oppa. He was back with the members now, working on their next album as Bulletproof. Taehyung was writing a love song for her and would release it as a single. Sometimes she couldn't get over how loving and thoughtful he was. She was the luckiest woman in the world and she really needed to step up. She had been jogging around their farm in the mornings to develop a leaner body. She had no gym equipment at home though, but work on the farm was strenuous enough to tone her arms.

"When can you be here?" Dae Eun asked her. She wanted June in Korea as soon as possible to help her with the wedding. She would be her maid of honor. The wedding would be in the Myeongdong Cathedral and the reception in a private venue used by celebrities. She wanted a Catholic wedding and her oppa and his family agreed.

"We just need to harvest the crops before it gets too cold, then I'm free to join you. I'm so excited, beshie! This is the first wedding of a bangtannie!"

Dae Eun was feeling more pressured than excited at the thought of living up to everyone's expectations. The wedding planner was presenting her with gowns that cost USD300K up. She was shocked, but the planner explained that people would expect no less for Taehyung's bride. There was no way she would wear a KRW450M dress, even if it was for her wedding! She kept avoiding the topic until she could find a suitable dress. She wanted to go to Dongdaemun with June but was afraid of what Taehyung would say. She didn't want him to think that she wasn't taking their wedding seriously.

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