31. The Christmas Package

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Taehyung had back-to-back schedules that he couldn't decline, mostly promotions for his series that was at the last days of filming. They had shot many scenes in the cold, repeatedly. It was hard to get things right because all the actors were freezing. They laughed things off and plodded on with the expected professionalism, but with the lack of sleep and rest his body was beginning to suffer. By the time he got home he could only manage to take his clothes off and drop off to bed. He couldn't even eat.

His parents became so worried and wanted him to stop, but he always assured them that it was only a few more days, just until the end of the year and it would be over. He was bound by a contract and he couldn't back away from it without legal repercussions. He wanted to be a professional until the end. That was the most important thing in their industry.

He took consolation in simple joys, in hearing Dae Eun's voice whenever he managed to reach her, in the constant supply of what he called his power drink, the Geumsan tonic that never ran out. The day the strawberries arrived, he was so exhausted that he wanted to cry. And just tasting the sweetness of the fruit gave him so much energy and made him feel better. It was like a warm embrace. He wished he could go to Dae Eun to thank her, but there was no way it could be possible, not until the series ended.

His father rented an RV for his schedules, so he could rest comfortably especially during his series filming, and his Do-Hyun hyung was with him round the clock. When he had developed a cold, his mom wanted to come with him to the set to take care of him. But he knew her very well, she would speak to the director and give everyone on the set a piece of her mind. And who brings their mom to the set? There was no way he would let her come. Everyone was having a hard time anyway and wanted to get things over with as soon as possible. Being one of the older lead actors, he also wanted to set a good example for the younger ones.

As their filming schedules progressed, even the other actors were starting to get sick. They all had to manage because the release date was already set, and the series started airing even before they finished shooting the final episodes. The struggle formed a special bond between them and he again made new friends.

But in the quiet of his room in the wee hours of the morning he wished he was back in Geumsan with Dae Eun - in less busy times, when there was a moment to breathe clean air and bask in the sunlight. When he began coming down with a fever he wished for it more, and he held onto the hope that this would all be over soon and he would see her again. But the days only grew longer and busier, and even the members excused him from their practices because he was getting so sick. He was thankful for the extra hours he could spend resting, but the promotions for the series eventually took up even that space. As Christmas approached he continued working even when his fever was very high, and he only managed by taking fever medication.

He couldn't call Dae Eun because she would know something was wrong with him, and he didn't want her to worry. After a while he couldn't even bother to look at his phone. He was in so much pain that he just wanted to sleep. His parents did their best to take care of him and he was always thankful that they were around. He loved them so much, and he always regretted everything he put them through.

The filming schedules proceeded and everyone felt that they were heroes for disregarding themselves and just soldiering on. Eventually their bodies began to adjust and they reached a second wind of sorts for the last leg of the journey.

Although Christmas was a western holiday, their family usually had a small celebration on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He wasn't able to join most of them over the years because he was often at work at this time, and this year was no different. He would be working until New Year's Eve to finish the final episodes. Even his birthday was no exception.

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