23. Speechless in Sofia

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Baby Jung-Hwa was crying at the top of his lungs in the living room of their presidential suite at the hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria. Eunji had done everything she could, from carrying him around the suite, pointing to the view outside, watching TV which neither of them could understand, and trying to distract him with food. Nothing worked. She was at her wits' end.

"Cheul-Soo, where are you?" She cried out in exasperation at the large and empty suite with three adjacent bedrooms. They had been stuck here for two days now, and Jung-Hwa was freaking out. He was raised on a farm and was not used to being indoors all the time. They had survived the flight with very little incident, but Jung-Hwa seemed to have enough already. She began to understand why Dae Eun didn't come. Everyone, including her saeeonni Ji-Yoo was meeting with their prospective partners and it was already 6 PM. She didn't want to explore the hotel with her son, too afraid of strangers and exposing Jung-Hwa to any risks.

Just before 7 PM Ji-Yoo arrived by herself and,
seeing the distressed Eunji, took Jung-Hwa in her arms and tried to pacify him.

"Saeeonni, where are they?"

"I'm sorry, Eunji, they decided to continue the meeting over dinner. Let's just order room service. Maybe they have ice cream for Jung-Hwa."

Eunji wanted to cry. They were in a beautiful country, but they couldn't even step out of the hotel room. She wouldn't join them again, she resolved, sulking as she tried to understand the menu for ordering room service.

When the food arrived, Jung-Hwa seemed to calm down a bit, but he was still upset. His eyes and nose were red from crying. Their husbands and father-in-law finally made it to their suite at 9 PM, still talking shop as they walked through the door. Eunji was sulking in the living room with Jung-Hwa fast asleep beside her on the couch. Despite what she felt, she greeted her in-laws with respect but glared at Cheul-Soo who looked apologetic. After freshening up, the men joined them in the living room.

"Sunhee sent the video of Dae Eun's birthday party, do you want to watch it?" Cheul-Soo knew he was going to get an earful from his wife when they retired to their room, and he hoped that the video would make her feel better and erase whatever frustration she may be feeling.

They all settled on the couches before the large TV screen as Cheul-Soo connected the video through wifi access. Soon they were watching what transpired. They marveled at the guests in hanbok and at the men roasting pork in the earth pit.

"I wish I could have tasted that," Deok-Su said. Like Dae Eun, he was more inclined to stay at home than go on business trips, but he had a responsibility as the eldest, and he knew he would have to take over once his father retired.

As soon as Dae Eun appeared, they all laughed at her surprise. She looked very happy and Chung-Hee was glad he had made sure that everything was prepared before they left. When Taehyung appeared though, it was their turn to be surprised. Ji-Yoo and Eunji looked at each other, wide-eyed.

"Siabeoji, I'll start planning Dae Eun's wedding," Ji-Yoo joked. Taehyung seemed like a king in his royal robes, a perfect match for Dae Eun who looked like a young princess in her light pink hanbok. And seeing them seated together, it was like they were in a royal court on their wedding day.

Eunji was visibly elated. "I'll help you, Saeeonni! We can start tomorrow." Both of them laughed, while the brothers snorted at the screen.

"He's an actor, he's supposed to be handsome." Cheul-Soo wondered if this Taehyung had any skill other than posing for the cameras. He didn't want his sister to fall prey to a beautiful man who would one day lose his following and have nothing else to do.

"Is he financially stable, Appa?" Deok-Su asked.

Chung-Hee nodded. "You'll be surprised."

Deok-Su looked at his dad with raised eyebrows, and it seemed that Taehyung had already passed that aspect with him.

The fireworks woke up Jung-Hwa and he started crying again. This time Chung-Hee was the one who picked him up and tried to rock him back to sleep.

They laughed at the song and dance numbers prepared by their farmer workers with their families, especially of Nana and Jun-Ho's. And when Taehyung came up on stage they all fell quiet again. Even Jung-Hwa stopped crying when Taehyung started singing.

Chung Hee suddenly felt his throat tightening as he heard the words of Sound of Winter and Wild Flower. He was transported to a time, very long ago, to that first winter without Ha Eun, his wife.

All of them were silent as the notes from the piano so skilfully played drifted into their suite from their home in Geumsan. And Taehyung's voice, so unexpected, seemed to reach into their being and settle there. He had touched something in their soul and the songs he sang filled their minds with memories long past.

Eunji and Ji-Yoo were teary-eyed when the songs ended. They continued to watch until the lanterns were lighted and released to the sky, the last two being that of Dae Eun's and Taehyung's. Even Deok-Su and Cheul-Soo could feel it, that Dae Eun's destiny had come.

The last footage of the video was the large bouquet of flowers that Taehyung had sent Dae Eun, and the greeting of Happy Birthday, Dae Eun with the date September 21, 2033 flashed on the screen.

Eunji stood up to take the sleeping Jung-Hwa from her father-in-law's arms and wished them good night. Cheul-Soo soon followed, and Deok-Su and Ji-Yoo also retired to their bedroom. Chung Hee was left in the living room with the memory of the songs that touched his heart. He had never yet allowed the pain of Ha Eun's death to overtake him, afraid that he may drown when he had his children to raise and his business to run. But now he couldn't seem to stop it. Her smile filled his mind and he could feel the familiar comfort of her arms around him. One day, he thought to himself as his tears started falling, we will meet again and I will finally be able to apologize for not being there.

Singing along my song in the deep night
To the sound of winter that was born again
I hope it might hug you
while you are falling asleep
When I close my eyes,
you are in my arms
Sleep in white

Only good memories, only a longing heart
On the path where you left me
I'm standing alone
Only until I can forget you,
until I will be alright
I'll swallow my tears and
at the end of my wait
I will bloom once again

(Credits to the lyricist of Sound of Winter and Wild Flower sung by Park Hyo Shin)

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