64. One

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Dae Eun sat on their marriage bed and watched her beloved in the moonlight. He had fallen asleep after making love to her for the first time. He held her in his arms after they fell to bed spent, but she didn't want to close her eyes. She wanted to lie awake and absorb every second of this moment with him. It was hers to treasure, this first night with the man she loved.

 It was hers to treasure, this first night with the man she loved

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She wondered if she was dreaming. Their bedroom was filled with silver light and they were surrounded by a multitude of stars above the sparkling snow-laden trees outside. And her husband lay in the midst of all these, the most wondrous being of them all, the brightest star in her universe. He had given her pleasure unlike anything she had ever known, taken her to the high heavens from where he came and made her burst with fire and light.

When she first saw him fully naked she felt both desire and fear. For the first time in her life she felt a burning heat pass through her body, yearning for him, but she was also afraid of how it would feel to be so close. He approached her slowly and allowed her to touch him at her own pace. He could sense her fear and her courage. He vowed to be patient, but when she began kissing him with unfamiliar intensity he could no longer hold back. He held her with an urgency that came from many months of waiting for this moment, and even she was surprised by her boldness as she caressed him in places that had never been exposed to her touch. She relished every sigh that escaped his lips, every moan, every time that he uttered her name in the throes of his passion. And when he first touched her, her legs gave out and he had to carry her to their bed. He explored her until she cried out for fear of the pressure building up from deep within. He would not let up. He wrapped her in his arms and asked her to just give in and let go. She was afraid she would die, as though she was going over the cliff she had escaped, but he was there with her and she trusted him. And when she finally let herself go into the unknown, her body rocked and trembled in his arms as her pleasure reached its peak. She was so overwhelmed that she cried out in panic and she heard him say again and again, It's okay, I'm here.

When she was ready to receive him he looked anxious and asked her to hold on to him. She placed both her hands on his sides, preparing herself. She looked into his eyes as he entered her for the first time and he saw how the pain pierced through her, making her tremble and gasp into his chest as he slid his full length in. Her hands gripped his sides and her breath became ragged. He stopped moving and just stayed still inside her. He kissed the tears from her eyes and soothed her with his voice, asking if she was alright, apologizing for the pain.

Dae Eun allowed the agony to wash over her, the sensation of his fullness, of their final joining. At last they were one. When she looked into his eyes she found herself there. And through her tears she saw that he could see himself too, not just in her eyes but in her whole being. He was in every part of her now. She was no longer just Dae Eun.

Soon enough the pain was overshadowed by the pure joy of exploring each other's bodies, and they learned how to make each other come strongly, powerfully. She came many times, crying and quivering as he took her body, moving her to positions where she felt the most pleasure. Each thrust brought her to a frenzy and she couldn't help but call out his name as she struggled to breathe through her rapture. It felt like living and dying at the same time, being brought to the edge and free-falling. And always he was there to catch her and hold her as her body convulsed with the pleasure he gave. She hung on to him as her heartbeat raced, and he kissed her gently all over her face to bring her down from the heights he had allowed her to reach.

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