26. Bangtan Sonyeondan

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Da Eun hurried up to her apartment. She was freaking out. She dashed into her bedroom, opened her laptop and dialled June.

"Hi, Chingu!" June entered the video call from their dining room in Benguet.

"June, you have to help me!"

"What's wrong?" June saw that her friend was unusually out of sorts, which never happened before, not even when they were having finals at the university.

"He wants me to meet them."

"Meet them? Meet... BTS?" June started screaming as Dae Eun nodded. "Eun-ah, this is really serious... next he'll be taking you to meet his parents. Oh Kwan Dae Eun...." June was melting.

"Wait, don't pass out. What do I do? What do I wear?" Dae Eun opened her closet and all she had brought were jeans, t-shirts and sweater tops since the weather was getting colder. And she only had the sneakers she was wearing.

"Chingu, just be yourself. Wear what you have available. Dae Eun, you don't seem to realize that you carry yourself very well regardless of what you're wearing. A plain white shirt and jeans will do. And wear lip gloss."

"Are you kidding me? What if we meet at a formal event or something?" Dae Eun was starting to panic. It was already past 1 PM.

"There are no schedules today so far as I know from my moots. You'll most likely meet them at their company, and they'll be dressed casually."


"Breathe, Chingu... just show them Kwan Dae Eun. You're enough." June was confident that her friend would wow them. Dae Eun turned a lot of heads in their college days, but she was never looking. And now someone had found her, someone dreamy, someone from another world.

"Dae Eun, in honor of our friendship, I'm changing my bias."

"What?" Dae Eun couldn't register what June was saying as she rummaged through her things.

"My bias is Jungkook from now on. He'll be needing my love after all this."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, Chingu. Now hang up and get yourself ready. What time did you say you were meeting them?"

"Oppa said he'll be picking me up by three."

"Oppa... to say those words to Taehyung... girl, you're living my dream. I hate you! Now take a shower and put anything on. You'll look fabulous."

"Should I tie my hair?"

"Tie, don't tie, trust me Dae Eun, you're really pretty."

"I love you, June."

"Yeah, yeah... Tell me what happened when you get back... or don't tell me... whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm going crazy. Love you!"

Dae Eun laughed as her friend disappeared from the screen. It must be hard to hear this happening to her best friend instead of her, and she vowed she would make it up to June somehow. For now, she had to clean herself up. She headed to the shower and tried to relax as the warm water cascaded over her and soothed her tense shoulders. When she finished, she looked thoughtfully at her wardrobe and selected the most practical thing to wear. She wanted Taehyung to know that this moment mattered to her, and she wanted to give a good impression, but with her limited wardrobe she had to make do with what was available. She chose light blue jeans and a pastel sweater, put on a thin gold necklace given by her dad and the friendship bracelet that her university friends had given her. Then she wondered what she should do about her hair. She'd washed it and was blow-drying it to submission. Maybe she would just let it loose. It was too long though, falling way below her shoulders now, in layers just a foot above her waist. There was no time to fix it so she just tied it with a handkerchief. She put on light makeup, just a bit of blush and color on her eyelids, and the lip gloss that June instructed. When she looked at the mirror, she felt she was presentable enough.

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