52. Permission

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"I am so plastered," Taehyung said as he and Dae Eun supported each other while walking up the stairs of the apartment.

"I haven't had that much wine... ever." Dae Eun was dizzy and she held on to her oppa who was almost carrying her up the steps. It was past 2 AM and everyone else was asleep.

"Eun-ah, I think we have to sleep separately tonight." They finally reached the second floor landing and Taehyung unsteadily guided Dae Eun to her room.

"Why, Oppa?" Through the spinning in her head, Dae Eun looked up at him wondering why he didn't want them to sleep together.

"Because, Gongjunim, I'm drunk. I might do something to you..." Taehyung opened the door to Dae Eun's room and led her in.

"What do you want to do to me, Oppa?" Dae Eun turned to look at him squarely, placing her hands on both sides of his face because it wouldn't stop moving. Or maybe she wouldn't stop moving, she wasn't sure.

Taehyung just smiled, led her to the bath and helped her wash up. He took a small towel and rinsed it with water, wiped her face, neck and arms. Then he helped her brush, finding her so cute as she struggled to speak when he glided the toothbrush across her teeth in circular motions. He helped her gargle off the foam and wiped her mouth.

"My breath's so fresh now... please kiss me, Oppa." Dae Eun closed her eyes and offered her rosy lips to him and he couldn't resist it. He kissed her and stopped himself immediately. They were both drunk with wine and he didn't want anything to happen tonight.

He led her to bed. She needed to change clothes. Should he undress her? Should he just let her sleep in her dress? He knew she wouldn't be comfortable. He determined to be strong and started unzipping her and was so relieved that she had a slip on underneath. She was so sleepy now that she was leaning her whole body on him. He lifted her to bed, tucked her into the covers and kissed her again. Then he placed her dress on a chair before he made his way into his own room and collapsed fully clothed onto his bed.

Taehyung dreamt. He dreamt he was with Dae Eun and they were flying above the stars.


Dae Eun woke up at 5 AM with a splitting headache. She felt queasy too but was thankful that the dizziness was gone. She could barely recall what happened after they left the restaurant last night. She only knew that her oppa was always by her side. She was surprised that she had gotten to bed properly and had not just fallen asleep somewhere along the way.

She wished she didn't have to go out today, but this was their second day at the UN Summit and they would be having a dialogue with participants from other countries on the sustainability practices they were applying in their regions. Cheul-Soo was giving a presentation on behalf of the Korean contingent and she would be there for moral support. She stood up, took a shower and got dressed. She felt a little better after and decided to check on her oppa.

"Oh no..." When Dae Eun opened Taehyung's door she found that he had fallen asleep in an awkward position and he was still wearing his clothes from last night. She removed his coat and gently moved him to the top of the bed, placing a pillow beneath his head. He was heavy but he would move as she directed, though he was still asleep.

 He was heavy but he would move as she directed, though he was still asleep

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