Ch. 3: Diagon Alley

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From that day forward, the days went by with me and my parents talking about the encounter on random occurrences, all of us still seemingly trying to decide if what we witnessed was real or just a weird shared dream. Knowing full well it was actually real because of the proof of the letter that I now kept on top of my dresser in my room, my parents seemed more like they just didn't want to believe it than anything. On June 30th, though, my parents decided to have a full conversation about the whole situation, knowing they'd have to accept it as fact eventually. We were all sat in the living room in the same position we were in during the man's visit.

"So..." my dad started, not really knowing exactly where to begin, "according to that man, you're a wizard."

"And he wants you to go to a school for witches and wizards," my mom continued for him, "So, if he's to be believed, what we need to figure out is whether or not you should go."

We all sat in silence for a moment, before I spoke up.

"If it's true, I'd love to go," I said, surprising both my parents, "If I'm a wizard, shouldn't I learn how to do magic? It just makes sense. And honestly, I've always kind of had a feeling I was... different."

This was true. I had always felt like I was supposed to do more, be more. But not only that, sometimes things would happen that I couldn't explain, like the time when back at my old school in Ohio, a classmate tried to steal my seat and the chair seemed to move back slightly, causing the kid to fall and everyone to laugh.

My parents looked at me for a moment before looking at each other, obvious contemplation on their face.

"You know, I've always felt that, too..." my dad said with a slight hesitation to his words, seemingly not wanting to say what he was about to say. "I remember that as a toddler, you were crying about not being able to reach your toy because it was on the top shelf and as I went to grab it, it just fell into your lap. I just tried to convince myself that maybe something shook it off there somehow."

"I..." my mom started. "I agree with Y/N. I think if he wants to go, he should go. I've seen him do things I couldn't explain as well, and if this place can help him control those powers, I say he should go."

My parents stared at each other for a few moments before my dad nodded slightly. I couldn't help but feel excited and smiled a bit. Now that the decision had been made, all that was left to do was wait.

The days went by slowly. I filled my time with my usual hobbies, such as reading, watching TV, and drawing. The anticipation grew with each passing day, until finally, it was July 15th.

I woke up and got ready for the day, my parents getting ready as well. Seemingly just after we finished getting ready, there was a knock on the door. I answered it this time, and as I expected, Professor Dumbledore stood in the doorway.

"I presume you've decided to attend?" he asked, looking at me.

I nodded. Dumbledore walked inside and closed the door before turning back to the three of us. He stuck out his arm.

"Take my arm," he said, and with some hesitation, we all three grabbed his arm. "Now, this might feel strange and you may feel a little nauseous, so brace yourself."

Suddenly, it felt like the world started spinning rapidly and everything seemed to disappear. When the spinning stopped, we found ourselves stood in what looked to be a restaurant or something along those lines. The dizziness hit me, but it didn't affect me too much. My parents, on the other hand, looked like they were about to puke, their faces green.

"What was that? How did you do that?" I asked the man.

"That was what is called apparating. It's a way of getting around quickly for witches and wizards," Dumbledore explained.

"Will I learn that?" I asked, giddily.

"Eventually, but not any time soon," Dumbledore stated, "That's very advanced magic, not easily learned by someone just beginning to study and learn magic."

I nodded, a little saddened by this knowledge, but excited nonetheless.

"This is the Leaky Cauldron. Now, if you will follow me," he said before walking toward the back into an alley, facing a brick wall, me and my parents following closely behind. "Behind this wall is an entrance to the wizarding world. Now, pay attention, you'll need to know how to do this yourself, eventually."

I watched intently as Dumbledore tapped on different bricks on the wall. I paid close attention, trying my best to memorize the pattern. Suddenly, to my surprise, the bricks started to form a doorway, opening up to reveal a place filled with hundreds of people dressed in strange clothing. Their clothing much closer resembled the type of clothing that Dumbledore was wearing than any type of clothing I was used to. On both sides of the street in front of us were lines of shops. We took a step inside.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley."

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