Ch. 5: The Famous Boy

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After getting over our initial reaction, I hugged my parents and waved goodbye to them before boarding the train. As I got on, I looked around for an empty compartment, not finding any, so I decided to just go to the nearest one with only one person in it. I opened it and saw that the person inside was a bushy brown-haired girl, reading a book, namely Hogwarts: A History. The girl looked up as I opened the compartment door.

"Do you mind if I sit here? Most of the other compartments are full," I asked her.

Before answering, she gave me a funny look, which confused me at first.

"You're not from England, are you?" she asked.

It seemed as if Hogwarts didn't have many Americans going there, if any.

"No, I'm from America actually. Just moved to London this summer," I stated.

"What's it like there?" she asked with a tone of curiosity and excitement.

This told me that she was a studious type. I was pretty good at reading people. Well, that and the fact that she was reading before I entered.

"Um... different, is the best way I could describe it. Nothing like here, the measurement system is different..." I began.

I told her a bunch of differences between London and America, but I also had to let her know that I didn't know much about the rest of America, other than Ohio, where I grew up. Also, I found out we were both muggle-born. She listened intently, before stopping me as I was talking about some of the different places in Ohio.

"Sorry, I just realized I never answered your question," she said, her face turning slightly red from the realization, "But I don't mind."

I had forgotten I had even asked anything because I was caught up in the conversation.

"Oh, it's fine," I said with a smile. "And thanks."

I sat down across from her.

"So, what's your name?" I asked her after a moment of silence.

"I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger," she said, "Yours?"

"Y/N L/N," I responded.

For a while, we began talking about random facts we knew about Hogwarts, London, America, and just whatever popped into our heads. Me, also being a person who loves reading, mainly fictional books, though, I found the conversations about Hogwarts interesting. I had already read most of the books that I was given for Hogwarts because I didn't have too much else to do over the summer.

In the middle of the conversation, I started fidgeting with the eagle necklace I was given. Hermione looked at it with curiosity, much like the way she looked when she heard my accent. I noticed the look and followed her eyes to the necklace.

"It was a gift from my mom," I said. "It's an eagle because of a children's book she wrote. The two main characters were a boy and an eagle. And they saved each other. She based the boy off me. She didn't say this, but I think she got it for me so I could feel like I have a friend while I'm at Hogwarts," I said.

"Your mum is a writer?" she asked, her eyes widening.

"Yeah. I mean, she's not like a famous writer or anything, but she has a few published books that sold decently well," I replied.

Hermione nodded as she listened. Just then, someone opened the compartment door. A chubby boy with black hair and buck teeth was standing in the doorway.

"Sorry, but have either of you seen a toad? His name's Trevor," the boy said. Both Hermione and I shook our heads.

"I haven't, but I'll help you look for it," I said. "My name's Y/N L/N."

After introducing myself, I stuck my hand out for the boy to shake it.

"Really? Thank you," the boy said as he took my hand and shook it. "Neville Longbottom."

"Where did you see it last?" Hermione asked Neville, "I'll help as well."

Neville smiled, clearly not used to people being so nice to him. Hermione introduced herself before we all went looking around all throughout the train, until we decided to split up to try to cover more ground. Hermione and I went one way, while Neville went the other. We got to a compartment and opened it. There was a black-haired boy with glasses and a red-haired boy, with what looked like dirt on his nose, holding his wand, pointing it at a rat, whose head was stuck in an empty box of some sort of candy. They both turned as the compartment door was opened. Hermione spoke first.

"Have either of you two seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one," she said. They both shook their heads before Hermione noticed the wand in the red-haired boy's hand. "Are you doing magic? Let's see, then."

She took a seat across from the boys. I sat beside her, interested to see what spell the boy performs. I knew most of the spells by heart, but couldn't practice them due to some wizarding law about underage wizards not being allowed to perform magic outside of Hogwarts.

The boy cleared his throat before waving his wand around, saying, "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow," and as he finished, all that happened was that the box fell off the rat's head. Both Hermione and I gave him a weird look, me never hearing about any spells spoken in English.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?" Hermione asked.

The two boys looked at each other with a look of 'is she for real?'. I couldn't help but smile at this, realizing how bossy her tone sounded. I found it kind of cute, as weird as I thought it was to think that.

"I've only practiced a few simple spells myself, but they've all worked for me. For example, oculus reparo," she said as she pointed her wand at the black-haired boy's glasses, which had magically went from broken with tape in the middle, to pretty much brand new. "That's better, isn't it?"

The boy took off his glasses and looked at them in amazement. "Woah," he said quietly, before putting them back on.

Suddenly, Hermione looked at the boy in shock. I was a bit confused at this.

"Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter," she said suddenly.

I had heard this name before in one of the books I read, and instantly realized who it was. It was the boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, known to be the darkest wizard in wizarding history. I spoke up for the first time since we entered the compartment.

"I've read about you. And before you ask, I'm from America. But you're famous in the wizarding world, right?" I asked.

Harry nodded, but had a bit of an annoyed look on his face, which I took note of and decided it would probably be best not to talk about that too much around him. Hermione then turned to the red-haired boy.

"And you are?"

"I'm... Ron Weasley," he said through a mouthful of candy. Hermione had a disgusted look on her face before replying. I held in my laughter.

"Pleasure," she said with a tone of disgust before turning back to Harry. "Best change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon."

She rose up out of her seat and I stood after her. She started to leave the compartment before she turned back to Ron.

"You've got dirt on your nose. Did you know? Just there," she said, pointing to where the dirt spot was on his nose. She then walked out of the compartment.

"Nice meeting you two," I said as I left the compartment, while Ron was trying to wipe the dirt off his nose.

Hermione and I went to get changed before going back to our compartment, not able to find Trevor the toad. A bit later, the train stopped.

We had arrived.

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