Ch. 4: Hogwarts Express

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As Dumbledore showed us around Diagon Alley, he pointed out all the shops and told us their names and what they sell. We first visited Flourish and Blotts to get the books we would need. As we entered, I realized something.

"Wait, how am I going to pay for all this?" I asked Dumbledore.

"Well, normally muggles, or non-magic individuals, can convert their money into wizard money, but as a welcoming gift to you because you all just moved here, and I presume that was pretty expensive, I'll be paying for all your books and equipment this year. Which is also why I personally was the one to tell you about you being a wizard. Under normal circumstances, one of the professors at Hogwarts would've been the one to do it. Most likely Professor McGonagall," he said.

The name sounded familiar to me, and I realized I saw it on the Hogwarts letter I was given. After the conversation, I looked around, just now being able to take in the sight of the bookstore. It was lined with rows of tall shelves, each with books I didn't recognize. I looked around the shelves for the books I needed. When I found them, we went and paid for them before heading back out to the crowded streets.

We went to multiple other stores, getting the rest of the necessary equipment. Eventually, all that was left was a wand. Arriving at a wand shop called Ollivander's, I stepped inside, and Dumbledore said something about wand shopping being more of a personal matter before he dragged my parents off with him, explaining to them about how to exchange currency and other things I couldn't make out as the door closed behind me.

I walked to the counter and rung the bell that was sitting on it.

"Be right with you," said a voice that sounded aged. A man, who I guessed was Ollivander, walked out from the line of shelves in the back, holding a box. This man was thin and had wavy, white hair, similar to the color of Dumbledore's, but this man was clean shaven.  He set the box down on the counter before looking at me.

"Ah, you must be Y/N. Dumbledore told me about you. Amazing, isn't it? How you're the first wizard in your family history as far back as we can tell. Not even so much as a Squib," Ollivander said.

I didn't really know how to respond to this, so I simply nodded and smiled a bit.

"Well, now. Anyway, try this," he said, handing me a wand.

I stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to expect, before Ollivander grabbed it back from me. He went to the back and grabbed a few more, until eventually he handed me one and I felt wind blowing around me, though I was inside, so that shouldn't have been possible. I felt a sort of connection to the wand as soon as it touched my hand.

"Phoenix core, 10 inches, cedar wood," he said as he looked at the wand now in my hand. I paid for the wand with the money Dumbledore had given me to get it before I thanked Ollivander and left. Dumbledore and my parents were waiting just outside, and I noticed that my mother was holding something. I realized it was an owl. More specifically, an ural owl.

"We decided to get you a little present," my mother said and smiled. "That, and Dumbledore told us how important an owl can be. We got it so we can write to each other while you're at Hogwarts."

I smiled and hugged my mother.

"Thank you," I said. I opened the cage and put my arm out as the owl flew out and landed on it. I stroked it's belly before moving my arm back down as it flew back into the cage.

"Well then, I think that's everything. Now, remember what I told you two," Dumbledore said, "King's Cross Station, platform 9 and 3/4."

My parents nodded before the man held out his arm again, and just like before, we appeared back at the house.

Days passed by, and eventually, it was August 1st, my birthday. I woke up, forgetting all about it with everything that had been going on, until I walked downstairs and saw my mom and dad each holding a present in their hands.

"Happy twelfth birthday," they both said as they put the presents in front of me. I smiled at this.

"I completely forgot it was my birthday today," I said and laughed at myself. My parents laughed as well, but they both understood why.

I opened the first present, and it was a necklace with a small eagle-shaped pendant that was gold plated. The eagle was a character from one of my favorite books that my mom had written, telling the story of a boy who saved an eagle, only for the eagle to later save him from a bunch of snakes that were trying to attack the boy. It was a children's book with the message being about karma and being kind to others. I loved it because my mom told me that I was the boy in the story.

I opened the gift my dad was holding, and it was one of my favorite books, The Outsiders. When I opened it, I saw a signature on the cover and realized it was the author's signature. My eyes widened.

"You don't know how hard it was to get that," my dad said.

"I know it isn't much, but Dumbledore was right when he said the move was expensive. So, sorry if-" before my mom could continue, I ran and hugged both of them.

"It's perfect, thank you guys," I said with a smile as I put the necklace on and sat the book on the living room table.

The rest of the day, we spent watching movies, playing games, and things like that, until eventually, it was time to go to sleep.

The days passed, and it was September 1st. I was awoken to my parents telling me to get ready. I rose quickly out of bed and got ready in less than ten minutes, excited to find out what a wizarding school was like. My parents hailed a cab to the station, and we arrived at 10:45. We made our way to the place Dumbledore had told us to go, and I looked at the wall we were supposed to walk through, pushing the cart with all my belongings with me.

"So, Dumbledore said all we have to do is walk straight through that wall," my dad said as he looked at me. "After you," he said and laughed a bit, seeming uncertain.

I shrugged and ran at the wall and was amazed to not hit anything, but instead another station was revealed with a scarlet red train that had the words 'Hogwarts Express' on the side of it. I looked back as my parents came through, seeming to have the same reaction as I was having.

"Woah," we all three said in unison.

(You can change the wand to however you want it. That's just what I'm going with to make it easier to progress the story. Also, you guys can vote for the name of the owl, and I'll pick one and put it's name in the next chapter.)

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