Ch. 12: The Troll

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As the year went on, eventually, it was Halloween. Hermione and I were talking everyday, and I learned when her birthday was. September 19th. I made a mental note of this for next year, since I had missed it this year. We also started talking to Hagrid a lot, who Harry introduced us to, so if we had free time, we'd spend it at Hagrid's hut, talking about classes and things like that.

Later, we were in Professor Flitwick's class. Professor Flitwick was a short man. In fact, he was so short that he was standing on a pile of books to see over his desk. He was just a little over three and a half feet tall.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" Flitwick asked as Hermione and I raised ours. "Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing. The swish and flick. Everyone?"

"The swish and flick," we all said, as we copied the movement.

"Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then," he said as many students started to attempt the spell.

I was sitting on Hermione's left, while Ron was on her right.

"Wingardium Leviosar," Ron said as he started waving his wand up and down quickly, until Hermione put her hand above his.

"Stop, stop, stop, you're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar," Hermione said.

"You do it then, if you're so clever. Go on, go on," Ron said.

Hermione straightened up before turning to her feather, pointing her wand at it.

"Wingardium Leviosa," she said clearly, doing the wrist movement perfectly as well.

The feather rose into the air. I laughed a bit as Ron put his head down in annoyance, before I turned my attention back to my own feather and did it first try as well.

"Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Ms. Granger and Mr. L/N have done it! Oh, splendid," Flitwick said.

Some students were still attempting it, and I could hear Seamus lazily saying the incantation.

"Wingard Levosa," Seamus said.

"Well done, you two," Flitwick said to us.

Suddenly, an explosion made everyone jump as they all turned to Seamus, who was charred again and the feather was burnt to a crisp. Harry, who was sitting next to Seamus, had ashes on his face from the explosion.

"I think we're gonna need another feather over here, Professor," Harry said.

Later, as we were all walking through a courtyard, me and Hermione were walking together, while Harry and Ron were a decent bit ahead of us, but still in sight and, unluckily, in earshot, as Ron began to talk to Harry.

"It's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar," he said, mocking Hermione. "She's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder she hasn't gotten any friends."

Before I had a chance to say anything, Hermione rushed past the two, shoving Ron with her shoulder as she did so.

"I think she heard you," Harry said as I made my way to the two of them.

"Oh, you think?" I said, angrily, before turning to Ron. "You're so lucky I don't want to get expelled, otherwise I'd have already put you in the hospital wing for that comment. And if you haven't noticed, or are just too dumb to realize, she does have friends. I'm one of them. And I thought you two were as well, but apparently I was wrong."

After saying what I had to say, they both looked ashamed, more so Ron since Harry hadn't actually said anything. I left the two and ran to try to catch up to Hermione, but I realized she was gone. I searched for a while before a girl named Parvati Patil stopped me by calling my name. I stopped and turned to her.

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