Ch. 8: Morning Conversation

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I woke up earlier than everyone else and headed downstairs with everything I would need for classes today. I sat down on one of the couches and began reading the signed The Outsiders book my dad had given me. I barely got a page in before I heard someone walking downstairs. I turned to see Hermione.

"Y/N, what are you doing down here so early? I didn't expect to see anyone else up yet," she said.

"I could say the same," I replied. "I usually wake up pretty early every morning. It's just become a habit at this point."

She nodded at this, before taking a seat beside me.

"I woke up early to make sure I could study a bit more before classes today," she said, "I just really want to make sure I do well."

I smiled at this.

"I'm sure you'll do just fine," I said before turning my attention back to the book.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hermione staring at the book, seeming to read it as well.

"If you want to read this, all you have to do is ask. I've read it plenty of times already," I said, without looking up.

I then turned to see her face go red at my statement, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you could see me," she said quietly.

She was clearly embarrassed I caught her. I decided not to comment.

"It's called The Outsiders. It's a pretty good book. My dad's the one who recommended it the first time I read it. Apparently, it was also one of his favorite books, but like I said, if you ever want to borrow it, just let me know. Just definitely be careful with it because this particular copy is signed by the author. A gift from my dad," I said.

She just wordlessly nodded as I looked back at the book, her face still slightly red. After a moment, she spoke up again.

"What do you think the teachers are going to be like?" she asked me.

Before replying to her question, I marked my place and closed the book.

"I'm not sure. Professor McGonagall seems a bit strict, but she seems okay. Professor Snape seemed to give off a strict demeanor, too, but in a worse way, so I think he may be a bit of a problem. Professor Quirrell, I'm not too sure. He seems hard to judge. The rest of them, I have no idea. Didn't really hear or see much of them to really know," I said.

"You got all that from just seeing them yesterday?" Hermione asked, surprised.

"I'm decent at reading people," I said.

To prove my point, I decided to name off a few more people.

"Like Harry, he seems like he wants to do the right thing, but is haunted by his past, which I feel like will cause him to make some bad decisions later. Ron seems to be an idiot and a bit of a jerk on the surface, but I have a feeling he's actually smarter than he lets on and cares more than anyone could realize, he's just bad at showing it. Percy, he just wants to be in a position of power. And you. You clearly are very smart, but you use that as a way to cover up how you feel about yourself inside, which is that you feel like all you are is that. Which, I can tell you now, isn't true," I said.

Hermione listened, surprised at first when I was talking about the other three, but when she heard her name, her eyes widened more with every word. She sat silently for a moment, and I couldn't tell if she was going to tell me off or cry. The last thing I expected was for her to hug me. I sat in shock for a moment before hugging her back.

"Well, I'm gonna take that as I was right," I said.

She playfully punched my arm and muttered a "shut up" as she pulled away from the hug.

"It's just... I didn't really talk to many people when I was going to muggle school. I was looked at as the weird bookworm and a know-it-all," she said, looking like she was fighting back tears as she spoke. "So, it's nice to finally hear someone tell me that that's not what they see me as..."

"To be honest, Hermione, the reason I knew that was because my situation back at my old school was very similar. That's also what I was known as, except that I wasn't really know as a know-it-all exactly, but just as annoying because I kind of just said whatever popped into my head.  So, I just kinda... distanced myself from people when I started going to middle school. Or, as you guys would call it, secondary school. I stopped talking as much, and just tried to be more calm. That's honestly why I was so excited to go to Hogwarts. I thought that maybe here it would be different. Maybe I could be myself and no one would judge me for it because everyone else here was different," I explained. "Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into an entire rant or to dampen the mood. I just wanted to let you know that I've felt the same. Still do, honestly. But I also know that those are just thoughts in my head. That doesn't mean it's true."

Hermione listened intently, before smiling.

"I'm glad I met you, Y/N," she said.

"Me too, Hermione," I said, returning the smile.

The whole interaction gave me a feeling I couldn't really explain. After a moment of silence, I checked the time.

"We should probably start heading to class," I said.

At these words, Hermione's smile faltered slightly, seeming a bit disappointed by something. I felt the same, not really knowing why or what was causing it, but regardless, I gathered my belongings, and we both left the common room.

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