Chapter 6 {Kailyn's Dream}

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Pain tore through my bruised, bleeding body as I laid on my back on a cold, hard floor. Unable to move due to pain, I remained motionless. Every bone in my body felt broken and every muscle or joint felt pulled or sprained. My skin was stained with blood and was scarred. There were burns all over my body, some were down to the bone. I also had several burns over my entire body. As I laid there in pain, I heard a thud that sounded like a door was broken down. Voices sounded and a dog was barking as if it had picked up a scent. But despite the mass of voices, I could pick out one in particular: Kirstin. She's alive! I had feared that she had been killed but it appears and sounds like she's alive. They had done it! They had found me at last, but could I stay alive long enough for them to get in here? Suddenly a gunshot echoed through the building and a cry of death and pain rose into the air. Please tell me that wasn't Scott or Mitch. Joy pulsed through me as Kirstin rushed into the room. As soon as she saw me, she dashed to my side. Kirstin fell on her knees beside my body and I felt her soft hands on my bruised arms. "No." I hear her breathe out. Then I felt tears on my arm as if she thought that I was dead. She must have suddenly seen the very faint rise and fall of my chest because she lifted her head and called out: "Scott, she's alive!" Immediately she turned her attention back to me. Her soft, gentle hands checked my body then they touched my face and she sighed in emotional pain. Poor Kirstin. This must be hard for her to see me like this. Despite the excruciating pain that I felt, I was calm. Kirstin's voice was gentle as she soothed: "Stay with me, Kailyn." As another gunshot exploded behind her, she covered my wounded body with hers. When she looked up, I knew that she was checking to make sure that I hadn't been shot. She gasped when she spotted a dead body lying not too far from my feet. Kirstin simply turned her attention back to me. She relaxed and waited for the boys to get into the room. I tried to keep myself awake, but it was becoming difficult. Kirstin looked towards the door to the room and her voice echoed through the building: "Scott, hurry! She can't last much longer!" Her voice was filled with distress. Underneath the distress and desperation was love. Not just any love, a mother's love. Kirstin loved me like a daughter and I knew that she would do anything to protect me as if I really was her daughter. She loved me as no other friend ever did before. Kirstin loved me regardless of what happened to me. I knew that I could rely on her to stay by my side every step of the way. Through all the pain and recovery from this tragedy, she would be at my side through it all. Kirstin would never leave my side or make me walk through this alone. She would care for me when I can't care for myself. Kirstin has always cared for me ever since January. Everything quickly went black.

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