Chapter 10

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When I was finally able to be moved to Tennessee, I was placed on bed rest until further notice. I sat in the bed staring out the window because Kirstin and the boys had no idea that I was awake. I had just woken up; therefore, they were downstairs. A soft knock sounded on my door, and Jacob's voice sounded outside.

Jacob: Kailyn, are you up?

Me: Yes!

He walked in and instantly came to wrap his strong arms around me. I held onto him, and he held onto me. This felt right. Just me and Jacob in a room together, it felt as if we were meant to be together.

Me: Jake!

Jacob: Hey Kailyn! I brought someone else, who has been wanting to see you.

Jasper rushed into the room and cautiously jumped onto my bed. He immediately layed down beside me allowing me to pet him.

Me: Hey Jasper! Did you miss me?

Jasper was relaxed as I petted him calmly. I almost wished that Jacob would let him stay here while I recovered, despite what Scott told me. I was determined to prove that doctor wrong, he didn't know how strong I was. Then I wanted to know something that I now could ask.

Me: Jacob, did you help to find me?

Jacob: Yeah. I was put in charge of your case.

He was quiet and stared at the floor, he suddenly lifted his head to meet my brown eyes. When he spoke, his voice was sincere and I was confused.

Jacob: Kailyn.

Me: Yes, Jake?

Jacob shifted slightly as he fidgeted with his hands. He must have realized what he was doing, because he stopped. Straightening himself up, he allowed a small smile spread across his face.

Jacob: I wanted to tell you this, but then you were taken so I was unable to. But here I am now.

Me: Okay.

Jacob: You are the sweetest person, I've met. You are also the strongest girl I know. With that being said...

His voice trailed off as he reached into his pocket to pull out a small black velvet box. I gasped in surprise then I heard music, not just any music but Pentatonix. I strained my ears to hear what song it was, making Jacob laugh. It sounded live as if Pentatonix was standing outside my door. I tried and it only took me a heartbeat to reconize that it was Anchor. A smile spread across my face, knowing that Jacob had something special planned for this. He took my hand and held my eyes steadily. He's going to propose! He's going to do it! I felt my heart start to race and a warm feeling rising inside me then I noticed something. Mitch wasn't singing lead, like he did on the actual track. Kirstin was singing Mitch's part and he took her part.

Jacob: Kailyn Hale, will you let me be your anchor?

He said it in perfect unison with the song and I smiled from ear to ear.

Me: Yes!

He opened the box to reveal the prettiest engagement ring, I have ever seen. Then I had to remember that I have never been in this position before. He gently slid the ring onto my finger, after removing the promise ring. I smiled even more when I saw it on my finger. He handed me the promise ring and I placed it on the nightstand.

Jacob: As soon as you get off bed rest, we are going on a date.

Me: Okay, Jake!

He gently rubbed my leg as I knew that he wanted to do something else, but I couldn't yet. We had both agree that our first kiss would be at our wedding, whenever that would be. My mind began to drift as I wondered when it would be possible. I would totally want Pentatonix there. I wonder if they would do the music? A small laugh escaped my mouth and I remembered that Jacob was here. My fiancé to be exact. A gentle knock on my door, told me that Kirstin and her bandmates had finished the song.

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