Kirstin's POV

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As the last words left Jacob's mouth, I broke away from Scott and Mitch, completely aware that they would try to stop me. Nothing would stop me from getting to my girl. I was not ashamed to call her that. I loved her as if she was actually my daughter, and I would treat her as such, especially after what she's been through. My legs carried me as I followed Jasper. Tears of relief and joy made it hard to see, as I caught up to the police dog that had paused to wait for me. It took me only a second to realized what we were chasing. Kailyn! With this thought in my head, it felt as though I could run forever. I paused only a moment to catch my breath and I was surprised that Jasper was waiting for me. I wiped the tears from my eyes allowing me to actually see where I was going. Some help I'll be if I run into a wall getting to her. I scolded myself as Jasper took off again, this time his barking was a joy-filled whimper. He's definitely picked her scent up now! My heart raced with joy and relief as we sped through the building that contained the person that I loved more than anyone else apart from my bandmates. Finding Kailyn was the most important thing to me right now and I was determined to find her. My legs carried me towards the sounds of claws scraping against a hard surface at a rapid pace. Jasper must have sped up. I concluded as the whimpers faded slightly. I pushed myself to run harder and faster eventually coming close enough to see the coat of Jasper as we sped forward. I pushed myself to not break my stride as I followed the police dog that had picked up my girl's scent. She must be alive, for him to be this excited. Kailyn told me that he loves her and is loyal to Jacob and her, which is unusual in police dogs. Tears blurred my vision again, but I quickly wiped them away as I burst through yet another doorway. I'm coming, sweetheart. Just hang in there. I jumped in fright causing my legs to give out when a gunshot exploded behind me. I looked behind me in fear and horror, listening for anymore sounds. There had been a cry of pain from someone that I loved dearly and didn't know if he was alive or now dead. Mitch! No, please, no. He can't be dead. My heart pounded for someone to say something. Please say something Mitch, please. Then yet again, I realized that I was probably too far away to hear their voices. But there was also a cry of death that was too deep for Mitch, so that would leave Matt or Avi, unless somehow it was Scott. There was something inside me that made me fear that Scott was the one shot, but the first cry was that of pain not of death and it came from Mitch, I would know that. That cry of death was not Scott, I knew for sure. There was no way that it was him and out of everyone not in there, I would know that more than anyone else. Remembering Kailyn, I stumbled to my feet only to collapsed due to the fact that I was trembling. Come on, Kirstin. Your girl is dying and you're here being weak. You got to get to her before it's too late. I pushed myself to my feet, a fierce fire blazing in my brown eyes as I pressed towards Jasper. Don't worry, sweetie. I'm coming. My entire body was shaking as I ran towards the police dog, who had once again waited for me. Pushing them out of my head, for now, I pressed onwards towards the whimpering of Jasper. The police dog now stood alert and was waiting for me to catch up. Jasper wasn't whimpering or barking, but his tail was wagging slightly. Lead me to her, please. I told him silently as I looked into the doorway that he was standing in. My heart leaped when I saw a shape, lying motionless in the open room beyond the police dog. Jasper turned his head and barked once, which somehow I knew that it meant I was to follow him. I'm coming, Kailyn. I'm coming. After that one bark, Jasper dashed into the room. I had been waiting for that moment for a long time. As my vision adjusted to the dim light, I gasped when I saw that the shape was Kailyn. I immidiatly dashed to her side and crashed to my knees beside her wounded body. The poor thing was strapped so tightly, it appeared to be cutting off her circulation. If I had something to cut them off, I would do it, but Scott was the only one that I knew of to have something. I gently and carefully placed my hand on her arm and watched for breathing. Unconsciously, I checked for her pulse and much to my dismay, I couldn't find it. No! We can't possibly be too late!

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