Prologue Three: Returning Home

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I don't remember exactly how I got here...

I don't remember exactly what happened after I'd been stabbed...

But at some point a little while ago, I found myself wandering the streets of Inazuma City once more.

As I walk down the street, it feels as though there is a spotlight shining above me, while the rest of the world is encased in swallowing black darkness.

No one looks at me.

No one talks to me.

Am I...dead?

Is that why no one acknowledges me?

I begin to think that, but quickly after, someone at quite a distance catches my eyes and smiles.

Once it was a woman with a small child.

The next an old man.

Then a young school boy.

But every time I attempt to go near them, to ask why no one else seems to notice me, they mysteriously vanish.

I remember at some point, I had put on Ei's hoodie, for I was carrying it with me. Inside the pocket, I found Makoto's scarf, which I'd wrapped around my neck.


I miss them...

I want...

To go home.

But if I can remember the way home...then I can return home.

Yes, it's coming back to me now...

Right here..

Left here...

Down this street-all the way...

Then another left...

And before I know it, I'm standing in front of the path that leads to my house.

I run up the path and reach the door. I take no time to spare and try to fling the door open.

But, it won't move.

I try again.

It isn't locked... something is just..blocking it.

I circle the house looking for another way in when I end up in front of the window.

I press my hand against the glass and peer into the house.

To my horror, I see blood all along the walls and on the floor.

Like someone, or someones were killed here.

After that occurs to me, my hand goes right through the glass.

Without thinking and driven purely on emotion, I jump the window ledge and enter the house.

The coppery smell of blood fills my nose.

I turn and climb the stairs.

My room.

The closet.

I stand in front of the safe-door. I have to know.

I take a breath...

And throw the door open.

Inside the tiny hidden room is a terrifying amount of dried blood covering the floor and walls, much like the scene downstairs.

My blood.

This is where I was stabbed.

My hand drifts down to the area of my chest over my heart.

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