Epilogue: Caprice

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155 Years Later

I stand at the corner of the street in front of the Starbucks, waiting for my brother, the hot coffee I'm carrying burning my hands.

I shift the coffee from my left hand to my right, a red mark beginning to form on my palm.

"Come on Scara, where are you?" I mutter to myself.

It's snowing and I don't want to be here.

Well, it's not exactly snowing, but...

Okay fine, it's not snowing at all, but there's snow on the ground and it's cold.

Sue me.

Actually, don't. I'm broke as fuck.

I shiver and raise the coffee to my lips, savouring the heat.

Ugh, I'll just go find him.

He's taking too long anyways, he said he'd be here right now.

I turn sharply and begin to walk down the busy street when I suddenly collide into someone.

I fall backwards onto the snow, and my coffee spills all over the front of my jacket.

Fortunately it's black, so no stains show, but it's still messy.

I raise my head, prepared to lecture whoever ran into me, but when my eyes fall on his face, my words evaporate.

His olive green eyes shine with concern as he extends a hand to help me up.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you. I'll get you another...whatever you had before." He says quickly, his reddish purple hair blowing in the cold winter wind.

"You'd better." I say, brushing the snow off of me.

"Come on man, you're acting like that drink you had cost a solid hundred thousand." The boy jokes.

"Can you not feel the cold or are you a polar bear? That coffee was the only thing keeping me warm!" I say.

"You...do realize that you could just go inside the Starbucks, right?" The boy asks, his green eyes glittering with amusement.

I sigh.

"I can't. I'm waiting for my eternally late brother." I say, rolling my eyes.

"HEYY! KUNI!" I hear a familiar voice call from further behind me.

"Speak of the devil..." I mutter.

I turn around to see my twin brother running quickly towards me, his blue purple eyes shining.

"You're late Scara." I say.

"What happened to you? You're all wet." Scaramouche says. Then his eyes fall on the red haired boy. His eyes light up and a smirk crosses his face. "Ah I see, it was this boy's fault." Scara teases.

The Boy in The Window (HeiScara)Where stories live. Discover now