Chapter Thirteen: The Plot Twist Everyone Will Get Mad At Me For

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"Let me get this straight. We're trapped in this building with a goddamn murderer, and you want us to split up more?" I ask Childe in disbelief.

He smiles and nods.

"Neither of you can die and I can fight my way out of pretty much anything, so what are you so upset about?" Childe asks.

I take a deep breath, calming myself.

"Besides, you can go find Heizou in that case." Scaramouche says.

"I'm just concerned about you, Childe. Whoever the heck the killer is hasn't been caught in FOUR. YEARS. At least have Scara come with you." I say.

"Hey, how come he gets to call you Scara and I don't?" Childe whines.

"Because he's my brother, dipshit." Scara says. "But, if it'll put you at ease, I guess I'll take him. Oh, and if I find Heizou before you, I'll be sure to protect him with my life."

"You mean with your 'death'." Childe says with a smirk.

Scara elbows him hard in the side.

I smile.

"Thank you Scara. But be careful. You too Childe." I say.

The two nod in unison and we part ways.

Archons, we're doing a lot of splitting up today.

I can only hope Heizou and Ayaka are okay.

After walking for a few minutes, I reach a ridiculously large room covered wall to wall in stickers.

You know, they're those kinds that are all glittery.

And honestly, this room is basically a banquet hall, how did whoever did this get the money to pay for all these stickers?

I mentally do the math and come to the conclusion that it really isn't as expensive as I'd initially thought.

I end up standing and staring at all the stickers, taking mental notes on as many individual stickers as my brain will allow.

Damn, I'd be one hell of a detective if dead people were allowed to become detectives.

As I record sticker after sticker, my mind inevitably begins to wander.

Scara told me that all I have to do to be able to pass on is to destroy what my spirit is tied to, so my science textbook.


If I did that, I wouldn't be able to see Heizou again until he himself dies.

Maybe I could continue living with him and destroy my science textbook once he dies so we'll always be together?

But then he would get older...and I wouldn't.

I'd have to watch his health slowly decline knowing there's nothing I can do.

As much as I shouldn't be upset because we'd still be together after he eventually dies, it'd still hurt me to watch him slowly die as I remain basically immortal.

And, if I did decide to truly pass on after this whole mess is done, he could possibly find someone he loves more than me.

He's only twenty-three, after all.

He has at least sixty-six years left of his life.

Sixty-six years to find someone better than me.

As soon as I feel tears well up in my eyes, I take a deep breath and slap my cheeks.

Come on now me, I'm supposed to be taking mental notes on glittery stickers, not having an existential crisis.

Besides, I could come to a decision with Heizou.

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