2022 Christmas Special

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"Kuni-chan, look, it's snowing!" Heizou shouts, looking out the foggy window.

I turn to watch his excited fidgeting.

"And I care because...?" I ask, barely looking up from my phone.

"It rarely ever snows here in Inazuma City!" Heizou says, a wide smile painted across his face. "Isn't it amazing?"

"I lived in Snezhnaya for two years, snow is nothing new to me." I deadpan.

"Whoa, you lived in Snezhnaya? What was it like? I've never been." Heizou asks quickly, still as excited as ever.

"Well....it was very cold..." I say, a sly look crossing my face.

"Ha ha. Seriously though. Wanna go outside? I know you won't die of frostbite Kuni-chan." Heizou says.

"What kind of a reason is that? What, are you saying I should want to go outside because you'll die? You know damn well I don't want you dead." I say.

"Of course not Kuni-chan, I'm just trying to eliminate all possible excuses you could have for not going out with me." Heizou says.

I stay silent for a moment and Heizou's eyes widen.

"Wait, I meant-" He starts.

I cut him off.

"Archons above, I didn't know you were that serious about me. But, if you're really that down bad, I guess I could think about going out with you." I tease.

Heizou narrows his eyes at me.

"You know I meant go outside." He says.

I roll my eyes playfully.

"Of course that's what you meant." I say with a smirk all while lowering my voice to try to get Heizou to blush.

"Do you want to go outside though?" Heizou asks.

Now do I want to be smooth here or should I just accept?

"I'd rather go out....but it's literally the middle of a fucking blizzard." I say.

"Like I said, you won't die. I won't die either, mainly because I'm not stupid and can handle being in the cold efficiently and professionally. Come on Kuni-chan, let's go." Heizou says.

He then grabs my hand and begins to drag me towards the door.

Dammit, he thought I meant go outside. I'd rather actually go out with him....my dream man evades me yet again I guess.

Once we're outside, I notice that only Heizou is affected by the wind and snow, but I guess that makes sense.

While I'm perfectly warm and my hair lies flat, Heizou's hair is blowing wildly in the wind, snow is gathering in it, and his face is pale, cheeks dusted deep red with cold.

Still, as cold as he looks, a wide smile is spread across his face, causing the man to seem more like a young boy than a grown adult.

And yes, he looks cute while doing it too, holy Archons.

Heizou wanders around in the snow like a puppy while I stand off to the side, watching him.

"Hey Kuni-chan, look down at your feet!" He calls.

I look down to find my legs and shoes going straight through the snow, leaving no imprint or sign that I'm even there.

Before I can look back up at Heizou, something cold hits me in the head.

I raise my head quickly only for snow to fall from the top of my head onto the ground.

My eyes fall on Heizou, ice remnants sticking to his gloves.

The Boy in The Window (HeiScara)Where stories live. Discover now