Chapter Six: When the Emo is Smarter Than The Detective

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"So I've been thinking about your theory, that that one girl was my murderer or had some kind of connection to my murderer. I don't think it's correct." I tell Heizou as we walk.

"Oh really now? Enlighten me." Heizou says, periodically checking his phone.

"How would she have known exactly where my hiding place in my room was? I'd never seen her before yesterday...or whenever it was that we went to question her." I say.

Heizou stops in his tracks.

"Your statement makes sense, but after you collapsed, she said she didn't actually kill you, but someone else with feminine pronouns was forcing her to pretend that she did. I'm currently trying to figure that sentence out." He says.

"I feel like that implies that you personally know my murderer." I say.

"I thought of that too. But before that, I was also thinking about a possible reason to why you could be still aging despite being dead." Heizou says.

"Really?" I ask. Am I really twenty three or am I still nineteen?

"Are you sure you're really....dead?" Heizou asks.

Am I really dead.

"I got stabbed in the chest at least four times, of course I'm really dead." I say, getting somewhat annoyed at the stupid question.

"But the thing is, I was slashed a bunch of times too, but I'm still alive. I checked myself, and I have no wounds, cuts, or scars despite the fact that it's only been two days. And Riyuko was damn well intending to kill me." Heizou says.

"But I'm displaying all the factors a ghost would. I can walk through glass, no one but you can see me, I can use a Ouija board, et cetera." I say.

"You could walk through glass, and you couldn't untie the ropes I was tied with...but you could hold my phone. You're displaying most of the stereotypical factors associated with pop culture's idea of a 'ghost.' Besides, you've never met another ghost despite being 'dead' a full four years. I strongly doubt that all ghosts are fated to be alone forever. Also, why is it only you that still wanders the earth? If it is tied to your unsolved case, why aren't your sisters trapped here as well?" Heizou asks.

"Your brain makes my brain hurt." I say, trying to comprehend Heizou's words. "But we don't know for sure. Remember, there was that other mysterious voice from the Ouija board as well."

"True. You're so good at this. Hey, Kuni-chan, would you like to become my partner? The Watson to my Sherlock?" Heizou teases.

I feel my face turn hot as I think about being able to stay by his side forever....but then I remember his comment about how we only met each other five days ago. Shit, I'm taking this way to fast.

Hell, he could literally be my murderer, leading me on.

But Archons above, why is he so cute, pretty, funny, flirty, and perfect?

Why why why does he have to be so damn much my type?

Why do I deadass feel like I'm in love with him?

"I mean, I'd be down for that....I'm kinda dead though." I say.

Heizou smirks.

"Come on then, Watsonikuzushi, let's go to the place that gets you all hot and bothered~" Heizou says.

Why the hell did I have to blush over the fact that we basically said the same thing before. He'll never let it go.

I begin to follow Heizou down the corridor.

"If I'm Watsonikuzushi, who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Sherlocknoin Heizou, of course!" Heizou says, as genuinely happy as a six year old getting the toy they wanted for Christmas.

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