Chapter Four: Sir, This Is A Police Station Not a Wendy's

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The contents of the bag come into view and I gasp in shock.

I gasp not because of how weird and sickening it is to see my own body lying grey and dead looking on a table, but because of what's missing about it.

For narrative's sake, the body lying on the table looks thusly:

Their eyes are closed, mouth in a peaceful expression, almost as if they are asleep, and they are dressed in a loose black tank top with loose black shorts.

The face looks exactly like mine and so does the body shape.

The only thing missing, however, is the electro tattoo right below my neck that I got for my nineteenth birthday.

"I'm assuming something's wrong?" Heizou asks me, clearly having noticed my gasp.

I pull down the collar of Ei's hoodie and show the magenta haired man my tattoo.

His expression changes into one of confusion as he realizes the absence of the tattoo on 'my' body.

"So then, detective, is there some kind of rule that any tattoos must be removed off a dead person's body, or is this a clue?" I ask?

Heizou shakes his head.

"No. But..that doesn't make sense." He pulls on the black tag around the body's neck.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Just making sure no one cut off your head and put it on some random body to throw us off." Heizou says.

"Ew, has that actually happened before?" I ask.

"No. I just read it in a webcomic once and wanted to be sure." Heizou says with a coy smile.

I roll my eyes.

"Anyways. With my superior detective skills, I am going to say, I think that means your killer is someone who either works for the police or has close connections to it." Heizou says.

"Woah, where the heck did you pull that from?" I ask in disbelief.

"Think of it this way. You were murdered four years ago. The case was never solved because it was so clean and there were no leads. Of course, if someone inside the police were hiding the evidence, it makes sense that there was no evidence. After all, who is better at hiding murders than other detectives or officers? Now the only question is who." Heizou says.

"Don't ask me." I say.

"Hm. Actually, I remember at some point, you said you didn't even know your killers gender. Why is that? What were they wearing?" Heizou says.

" was all black, but it looked like a skintight jumpsuit with black shorts, a black mask, and a black jacket. I'm not sure, but I think they also had black hair." I say, reaching far into my memory.

"The only person in the police department who'd ever wear or own something like that....OH I KNOW! Come on Kuni-chan, let's go question her!" Heizou says, scarily enthusiastic.

"You mean YOU'RE going to ask her! No one can see me, remember?" I call out, running after Heizou who is running down the corridor.


Once again, Heizou has dragged me to another place I didn't know existed.

He leads me through a hallway and knocks on a wooden door.

A woman with a short blond ponytail opens the door.

"Good afternoon Lead detective Sango-chan, I'd like to speak to Riyuko if I can." Heizou says.

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