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Doc cleared the table and Kaleus went back to the stack of books, then dropped one down, and paced the small living room. Doc's back was to Kaleus, and having no need for a dishwasher since it was just Doc, he just washed his dishes by hand then wiped them dry. He tossed the beat up white and blue striped towel over his shoulder and turned to watch Kaleus wearing a path in his beloved shag rug. "What's ailing ya, son?" Kaleus stopped and looked directly at Doc. "I want to go see Annaliese, now. I must speak to her." Doc leaned back against the kitchen counter, folded his arms and tilted his head. "Ya'll not going to Annaliese dressed up like that," and he pointed in an up and down motion to Kaleus who stood confused. "Ya'll gotta take a shower, scrub yourself up head to toe, and put on some of those new clothes I got ya today from Sam. Ya have to impress her, son. And one thing I have learned over my long ass years of this life, a lady expects a gentleman to court her in nice clothing." Kaleus' eyes widened. Ahh, this must be part of the Earth courting ritual, he was so excited. "You are right, Doc! I will scrub myself." He scooped up some clothes from the couch, and strode to the bathroom - another word he learned while living with Doc. Before his hand turned the knob he panicked, and ran back to Doc, heavy footsteps, clothing bouncing over his large arms. "Doc! What about the Tooth Bright??! I need it!"

Doc blew out in inpatient breath. "Dear Lord, give me patience with this boy," he mumbled under his breath. Kaleus followed Doc into his bedroom. It was the first time Kaleus was in it, so he scanned the room, noting several books, both large and small in piles on the floor, and a pile up to the ceiling. A few photographs of a younger Doc smiling with a female, then another with a few males laughing. The background had several lush, green trees. He wondered where Doc was in those photographs.

Kaleus heard Doc cursing and then pull open a bottom drawer, which held more books. He moved a few small clothing items around, a tiny orange box, and then pulled out a tube of Tooth Bright with a plastic small brush attached to it. "Knew I had kept a sample of it somewhere in here," he mumbled, putting all the items back in his disorganized order. "Now, take this and make sure you brush 'em good." Kaleus took the Tooth Brite reverently into his hands, and looked at it. "You do not know how much this means to me, Doc," he told him, still looking at the Tooth Brite. Doc slammed the old bureau drawer shut, a small piece of wood breaking off. "Go git now, boy. Take that shower and git yerself good and ready for Annaliese." He watched Kaleus disappear down the hall and into the bathroom, closing the door.

So the inside of the bathroom, besides voiding the bowel movements and releasing the golden urine, served as a cleansing unit for the body. He read that taking care of the body and the foods you put into it, was vital for human survival. He stared at the two large silver knobs, then looked up at the shower head. Ok, I can do this. I can operate this machine. I am a Warrior Constellation, centuries old, he psyched himself. He pulled one of the silver knobs, but all it did was squeak. "Hmmm, nothing. How do I operate you?" He pushed the knob in this time, and still nothing but a slight cracking sound was heard. He backed up. "Just turn the damn knobs for the water to run, damn it!!" Doc's voice boomed from the other side of the door. "Ahh, turn, not pull or push." He turned the left knob and water came shooting out, very steamy and hot. It reminded him of when the Asteroid brothers would smoke up when they were getting angry. The other knob produced a cooling spray of water. He mixed them both, stripped out of his clothing and got in.An hour later, when the hot water was completely gone, a very squeaky clean Kaleus got out. He went to the small mirror. Reminder! Do not forget to bring one back for Lira. His hair was silky, golden and wet. He just ran his fingers through it, and let it fall down his back. He took the Tooth Brite into his hands, and remembering the book he read on dental care, squeezed a generous amount of the white, minty-scented toothpaste onto the brush, and began brushing all of his teeth. He did this twice, wanting to make sure he got all of his teeth, plus, one whiff of the Tooth Brite, and he would be able to do the kissing and tongue thing with Annaliese. Doc banged on the door. "Are ya coming out?? I gotta go, man!" As soon as Kaleus left the blue bathroom, Doc shoved him out of the way, and closed the door.Kaleus walked out the front door and remained on the porch. He scanned the horizon, taking in the planet. Doc lived near several lush green trees, and had his own garden. Doc came out behind him, and the screen door slammed shut, rusty and all. "So, let me see how ya look," and he made Kaleus turn around. "Very nice, young man, very nice. Now, what are you going to bring her as a gift?" Kaleus' mind worked fast. "You said that the courting gifts were flowers and chocolates. Do you have flowers and these chocolates?" Doc lowered his voice. "Hey, come here, I wanna tell ya something." Kaleus bent down so Doc didn't have to hurt his back and got smacked upside the head by Doc, but not too hard. "She works in a florist shop, Kaleus. Ya think she really wants flowers???!" Doc's eyes were doing that large-bugged-out thing again. Kaleus stood tall and firm. "You are correct, Doc. But, I do not know what she likes. Besides looking at me in my true form, he thought, dreamily. "I will just go to her, and we will exchange conversation. Then, I will learn more about what she likes." And that's how a warrior thinks, old one. Strategy. Doc put his hands on his hips. "Ok, git in the truck and I will give ya a ride into town."

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