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"Well, I think it is time for the shower to begin!" Damaskus yelled over to Hoba and his very anxious meteorites. The female meteorites, especially, Talia, were all dolled up, shining their surfaces, looking like they stepped out of the Ms. Meteorite Pageant. Tonight was a love-fest. They were going to start to fall, mix and mingle, then burn out in heavenly bliss, once they landed on Earth. Let the old timers who didn't partake become furniture for the Queen's nursery or just float around in space. Who cares?

Merrowman and Damaskus could see the Earth becoming darker. A crowd of very anxious meteorites gathered near the edge of the sky, close to Earth. Some were pushing into each other, and a few shoving matches started. Damaskus went to the front. "Listen, my meteorite friends. Tonight is your night! Light up the sky, mix into each other, feel the love, switch as many partners as you can, but most importantly, have a blast!" And with those words, a few meteorites started falling. Then laughing, giggling, and grabbing could be seen and heard. Damaskus stepped back to watch, with Merrowman on his side. He saw Hoba and Talia kissing and then lost in a pile of very determined meteorites changing partners at random.Damaskus bent down into Merrowman's star ear. "It is working, my friend! Soon Kaleus will notice and know something is wrong. Let's start sending the messages now!" Both started Constellationize messages, first by patterns, then by wording. But Kaleus was not outside. "Where is he????" An impatient Damaskus asked. "Where is my brother!!??"

When the dessert plates were cleared, Gwen got up on shaking legs and helped with cleaning of the plates, even though Annaliese tried to march her to the couch to relax. Gwen wanted to keep busy. When she was still, the memories flooded her mind with the trailer, electric razor, shed, truck, Ricky and the eerie scraping sound of the rusty green chair's legs. No, keeping busy was the best thing for her, and if washing dishes was a distraction, then so be it.

"Let us take a walk in the night," my Annaliese. "I want to show you off." She just laughed, and blushed. "Kaleus, it's night. No one is out right now." He smirked. "Oh, there are plenty of stars out right now, and I want them to see you with me, and how proud I am." She thought he was the most romantic man she ever met, so they walked outside, hand in hand.

They were standing in front of her shop, when he saw a few meteorites falling rapidly. What in the name of Xor's moon is going on? Holding her hand, he took her with him, her heels clacking along the pavement, as he led her deeper into the woods.

One after another, meteorites fell from the darkened sky. He could here the sounds of pleasure coming from each, and once they hit the Earth, they burned out in bliss. This was all wrong. Meteorite showers were set in cycles, which were commanded by Father. He saw Father's roster not too long ago, and knew that there was not supposed to be one released for another four Earth cycles. Strange.

They walked holding hands, and he would point up at the sky, and tell her a little bit about the name of the star, or if there was a small group gathered, what they were called. "So you are a stargazer, too?" She could not be more happy! Finally, someone to share her interest and hobby! He kept looking up and started to see a message. It was faint, because the shower was preventing the message and patterns from being seen clearly, but, he knew either his brother or Merrowman was trying to contact him.

When he didn't answer her, she just kept quiet. Maybe she was talking too much, and so they continued their walk. He brought her to an area which was heavily wooded, then stopped, hands on his hips looking up. "What are you looking at?" she asked. She could tell he was distracted, so she looked up, too. All she saw were the golden fireballs coming down in sheets from the sky, hitting the ground. She forgot to watch the news but could have sworn that there was no mention of a shower tonight.

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