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Gwen's eyes grew wide with fright. She started to get up and was just going to run for it, but Kyle grabbed her from behind and pushed her face down on the couch, holding her neck while Lyle injected Ricky's street drugs into her arm, which he sold, out of their trailer.

She twisted and jerked, but soon, a warm wash ran through her body, relaxing her. It was difficult to speak and form words. Her mouth didn't want to move, and her eyelids felt like there were weights attached to them. "Think she's good fer the night," Lyle said, walking away with the syringe. He placed it on the table. Kyle knelt down so he was right in her face. She could see his blue eyes and several tiny veins inside them, all moving around. The movement amazed her, and she watched the veins turn into small fish and began to swim. "Shit, Lyle. Ya dun gave her too much of that shit," Kyle barked out, turning his head around, glaring daggers at his twin. Lyle just folded his arms across his chest and huffed. "She will be fine, ya'll worry like a little girl or something." Kyle got up because calling him a "little girl," well, that was fighting words.

"You wanna take this outside, right now,?" He jumped into the face of Lyle, still standing in the same position. "I don't got time to fight ya'll now. I only gave her a small dose of the Liquid GoldXXR, all the damn kids a lot smaller than her are doing it, why the hell do ya think Ricky has so much of that cash around? Huh?" The word, "cash," got the attention of Kyle. "What do ya mean he's got cash? Here?? In our trailer??!" Kyle started to get excited. "We can take that money and" -- Lyle struck him upside the head. "Don't be a dumbass. He will figure it out that we took it, besides, I checked and he must have taken the entire stack with him to impress that bitch at the florist shop." Kyle got depressed. "Damn it, Lyle. Why do ya'll get my hopes up like that?" Lyle ignored him and walked over to a very high Gwen. She was feeling very numb, and every single thing inside the trailer fascinated her.

Lyle bent down and lifted her up, making her stand on her legs. It felt like she was standing on something soft, like cotton. Cotton clouds, she thought. Am I high? Am I high? Am I high? echoed. Kyle took a long look at her, then. Her red dress was a mess, and she had no shoes. Her toenails were painted red to match the dress, and probably had looked model-perfect when her outfit was first put on. Kyle scratched the top of his head. He did that when he was thinking, it helped to soothe him. After a few blank moments, he remembered that one of Ricky's women had left some clothing behind. When Ricky would bring a date home, if she actually stayed the entire night, it was considered to be something very special, near marriage material. But that last one he was dating began to get mouthy, and well, Ricky, being himself, took her to the shed. He recalled the screams that came out of her, and he winced when he remembered watching a very pissed off Ricky slam through the front screen door, a long belt in his hands, covered in blood. The blood left a red trail right across the rug and into the kitchen. It had taken Kyle a few days to scrub it out, but there were remnants of the trail. Luke had snuck in later that evening and untied her from the green rusty chair in the shed and the woman ran screaming through the night.

"We are gonna get ya'll all prettied up, now, Gwen." Lyle stood next to her while Kyle ran into Ricky's room and right to his closet. Ricky kept his closet immaculate. His clothing was hung up and not wrinkled, and his boots and sneakers lined up in a row. Towards the back, there were several wooden crates and a few brown paper bags. He knew the crates held the drugs but he was looking for the clothing from that last bitch that was dating Ricky. His eye caught a small bundle of clothing wadded up in the corner, a fishing pole in front of it. He carefully removed the fishing pole and eased the bundle of clothing into his arms. When he stepped out of the closet, he tossed the clothes on the bed to see what he had found.

There was a white, ragged bra missing a strap, so he tossed that to the floor. Next he found a long, white dress made of some kind of stiff material. He held it out and knew it would probably be a little too big on Gwen, but it was better than what she had on. He slung the dress over his left shoulder, then went back inside the closet to hunt shoes. He managed to find a pair of women's sneakers. They were pink and in pretty good shape, considering that their previous owner probably wished she had them on the night she ran screaming away.

Kyle ran into the living room holding the dress in one hand, and waving the pink sneakers in the other. "Here," he said to Gwen, and pushed them on her. "Now, go git yerself dressed and we will wait here." Gwen just stared at the white and pink things that she was somehow holding and didn't remember how she got them. "Huh?" Was all she could say. That's when Kyle smacked Lyle upside his head. "You dumb stupid ass! Ya'll gave her too much of that shit, I told ya, ass. Now what the hell are we gonna do?!" Lyle blew out a breath. "Well, we could dress her, ya know." At the same time, both brothers smiled at each other.

Gwen felt hands on her body, moving all around. They didn't hurt, it's just that she suddenly was cold for a few minutes. She heard deep voices whispering, talking, then laughing. A sharp pain on her ass made her jolt forward. Then something white floated around her, and her feet were stuck in those pink things.

"Ya'll ready to go?? Let's do this!" Kyle roared out. He couldn't wait to get to Journey's. They placed Gwen in the middle of them, and she was led out into the night air. It felt wonderful on her face, she closed her eyes, breathing it in as if she was taking her first breath for the very first time in her life. She opened them up and looked straight up into the sky.

A gathering of stars was blinking at her. She smiled back up, enjoying the site. It blinked in a pattern, and got brighter as the brothers dragged her to the car they "borrowed" from their older neighbor, Benny, who was going blind and didn't give a shit about life any more. She laughed and the stars grew even brighter, shinier now. Waving her hand at the sky, she mimicked the pattern back not even realizing she was communicating with a stunned Damaskus.

The brothers pushed her into the back seat of Benny's old car, and started driving towards Journey's. She leaned on the window button and when it rolled down by itself - how cool is that??? She craned her neck out and did some more hand signals to the sky.

Damaskus was absolutely speechless in all the centuries he lived. A human female was communicating with him and had no idea what she was doing! He wanted to see her again, but she was moving away from him quickly and then just disappeared. "Did you see that?!!" He turned to a very bored Merrowman, who only thought of how many new pieces of shiny meteorites were now in the ever-growing nursery. He could take them with him when he travelled to the other side of the sky, and just hide behind them, just to be left alone. Ahh, to have solitude.

"A human female was communicating with me! Me!!" He was so excited, he nearly burned all his stars out. "I must see her again. Do you think she finds me handsome?" When Merrowman yawned, he answered for himself. "Bah! of course she finds me handsome!" My own human female, it has a nice sound to it. He remained in his station in the sky, excitedly telling the same story over and over to a very irritated Merrowman, who wished for the first time that he was sharing the sky with his uptight and cosmic dust-addicted buddy, Drake, the only comet that couldn't grow a tail. He just sort of floated around in space, bumping into shit, talking to himself and inhaling cosmic dust off any object he came into contact with. That was Drake. And right about now, Drake's company sounded a shit ton better than hearing Damaskus telling the same damn story again. It was going to be a long, long, ass night for Merrowman.

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