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Kaleus stood frozen before Elder Aquarius and Libra. They both watched him with curious eyes, Aquarius not being able to hold back a smile. Libra spoke then. "Kaleus, we are very old and wise. We have watched the skies and humans throughout time." Aquarius spoke then. "It is true. We have seen empires fall and begin anew. We have watched humans continue to morph or grow into what they are now at present. We are grateful for the ones who still believe in us, but, understand the skeptics. They have advanced somewhat in their science, but, have a very, very long way to go."

Kaleus was getting a little impatient. The Elders were known to sometimes talk around topics or in riddles. He wanted an answer, that is all. Were they going to help him or not? His eye caught the shiny golden scales of Libra, still balancing back and forth in the air. What did this mean?

Merrowman was reading a book on the secret life of leprechauns, when Libra's scale stopped moving. The air became still, and filled with electricity from Elder Aquarius.

Libra stood up from his throne. "What is your question, Kaleus. Be specific." Then Aquarius stood. "Do not be afraid to ask. We are here to help you." Kaleus decided it was time to just tell the story. So that is exactly what he did.

Both Aquarius and Libra remained standing, did not interrupt and listened to Kaleus' adventure on Earth. At times, Aquarius would tilt his head, while Libra would remain with his arms crossed over his chest, but relaxed. When Kaleus finished his story, he closed his eyes, then opened them up. Well, here it comes. They are going to tell me to get out or worse, report me to Father.Merrowman left the book of leprechauns suspended in the air. It went back into place all by itself, neatly in the stack of books. He walked over and stood next to Kaleus, supporting his friend and fearing the worst.

The Elders sat back down and remained deep in thought. Libra looked at Kaleus then at Merrowman. Aquarius fixed his eyes on Kaleus, studying his form and grew thoughtful. He pointed at Merrowman who stood as straight as he could. "You helped Kaleus even though you risked oblivion. You stood by him, and may have been caught by your Father, knowing the consequences and breaking the law of the sky. Have you learned anything from this experience?" Merrowman was not prepared for a conversation with the Elder Aquarius and was, he had to admit, very nervous. "Yes, Elder Aquarius. I helped Kaleus because he is like a brother to me. I know I broke the laws with him, but Kaleus was the brave one, not me. He risked it all just to meet the human female who watched him from Earth, when his cycle was in the sky."

Libra had sat back down on his throne, the scales beginning to spin again. Aquarius walked up to Merrowman. "Would you break the law again for Kaleus?" That question put a slight damper in the air. He really didn't want to be torn to pieces by Father, shit. And his plans going home to Ireland were within his grasp. But right at that moment, something changed. The air became light, free and calm. A beautiful pale shade of blue was above Aquarius, and it floated down and covered Merrowman and Kaleus. "I would help Kaleus again," he told Aquarius. Aquarius sat down on the throne next to his brother, Libra. "I knew you would before you even said it," Aquarius told Merrowman. Libra's scale stopped and all watched it while Libra studied it. The gold scale tipped up. "It is decided. You will get the answer you seek." Kaleus could not believe it! The Elders were going to help him get back to Earth!

All four began to float towards the very back of Libra's House. Inside a room by itself was a large, dark brown book, suspended in the air. The pages were yellow with age, and the book was surrounded by a crystal green color. Libra waved his hand, and the light vanished. All stood around the book, and the pages turned by themselves.

Aquarius and Libra exchanged looks again while the book's pages turned by themselves. They knew the answer to the question Kaleus posed. It was going to be difficult to let the Constellation know what had to happen in order for the human and Kaleus to be together, as lovers. Libra wanted to check just to see if any new information surfaced, maybe trying a different way. After Libra bent over the page and read the text in ancient Elder language, the answer was clear.

Libra waved his hand and the green light once again appeared surrounding the old book. All four left the room, and entered the hallway, each sitting down. "Well, Elder Libra? Elder Aquarius? Please, I beg you. Is there a way I can go to Earth and stay with my human female? She is my love. I will not and cannot exist without her." There, he spoke from his heart. He didn't care if the Elders believed him or not. He wasn't even sure if the Elders knew what love was. But he did.

Aquarius became solemn and stood. "Kaleus, there is a way. We thought perhaps there may be another, but the book knows all." Libra stood then, and was side-by-side with Aquarius. Merrowman was getting worked up. Why weren't they just coming out with it? "Elders, please. My friend is dying inside. What has to happen?" Because it was Libra's House, Aquarius graciously backed up, to allow Libra to speak.

Libra took the shoulders of Kaleus. "Listen very carefully to me, young Constellation. You cannot exist on Earth. The laws are clear. I can go into boring details, but I know you want an answer." Kaleus almost lit his sword up out of anger. He remembered where he was, and who he was speaking to, so he calmed down but his eyes burned silver. "Tell him the only way, brother," Aquarius edged Libra on. "He needs to know what has to be sacrificed." Libra turned to Kaleus. "What is your human female's name?" Kaleus answered immediately. "Annaliese Collins." Libra continued. "Annaliese Collins has to die in your arms." Kaleus stepped back as though he had been hit by a flying asteroid. Merrowman spoke up. "Die? She has to die in his arms?" Aquarius stepped in, and took over. "Kaleus, this Annaliese Collins has to die in your arms, and before her spirit leaves her body, you must bring her up through the black hole. Once you both reach the black hole, she will be born into a Constellation, and remain with you always. It is the only way a human can exist in our world."

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