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Annaliese went into her bedroom, threw the window open, and looked up at the night sky. It was clear, with a few scattered small stars shining brightly. Reaching up to her hair, she fingered the flower that Kaleus had placed gently behind her ear, thoughts only of him. How interesting he was, for one thing. A little bit off, and she just could not put her finger on it, but he was some kind of mystery.. a wonderful, sexy, drop dead gorgeous mystery. She closed her eyes and saw him smiling at her, how his hair seemed to give off a glow. She had never seen such blonde hair like his before and didn't think he dyed it. He had this ethereal glow about his personality; did that even make any sense?

She grabbed her head and shook it. She could not be falling in love with him, could she? So soon?? She did this before and when she did, her heart got broken over and over. If she was smart, she would become jaded, tough, just like Gwen is. Gwen was so strong-minded and had been through a lot in her life. Try as she might though, she could not be someone she wasn't, so she was not going to become a tough, jaded woman.

Thoughts of Kaleus swam in her mind. His voice was so deep, calm and clear. He had the authority of someone in the military, and she was going to ask him at dinner on Sunday if he was ever in the service. When she was around him, her heart pounded like it never did before. Even with Dave, and the other few boyfriends she had, her body never reacted the way it did when Kaleus was near her.

Annaliese changed into a pair of shorts and a purple cut off top, pulled the covers down on her bed, and climbed in. She wondered how Gwen's date had gone and couldn't wait to tell her about Kaleus tomorrow. She closed her eyes and her mind went right to Kaleus' face. What was he was doing right now? She forgot to ask him where he was staying, and did she ask him where he came from? Being around him made her draw blanks. Her palms would get sweaty and she acted like she was back in school on her very first date. There was a small motel in town, he most likely was staying there. Did he have a car? He seemed to do a lot of walking and didn't mention that he had rented a vehicle to get around town in. No matter, she would just find out on Sunday. Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep, her last thoughts of the kiss they shared.

While Annaliese slept soundly in her bed, Kaleus was restless, staring up at Doc's ceiling. He once again was grateful that Doc had so many books about the human body, which really helped him understand how it worked. But kissing, kissing was not in any of the books he read. There may be a book on kissing that he just did not get to, but, thinking about it now, he would not need it. Kissing was very natural with not only Constellations, but, with humans, as well. It was different when Constellations kissed each other, and he wondered what it would be like to kiss her if she was a Constellation. What would she look like? She would be the most breathtaking Constellation in the entire night sky. Surpassing any and all. He imagined what she would look like, how many stars would make up her structure, how perfect she would be.

He turned his head and the black box stared lifeless at him. Did he want to watch the black box? Would it wake up Doc? He didn't want to be rude, after all, he was a guest in Doc's home. And he promised he would take care of that mail problem, too. "Yes, tomorrow, I will rid Doc of his mail issues, and then Doc would be less angry."Kaleus closed his eyes and thoughts of Annaliese surfaced, instantly. Her laugh was musical, her body was perfection, but when she looked at him, it took his breath away. He was in love with her. It was a definite in his mind and heart. He knew it when she would stare up at him in the sky, feeling something, a pull, towards her. That pull was now what he understood as love. And having met her in human form, it was a certainty. He wondered what she was doing right at this moment? Was she thinking of him? He hoped so because he was thinking of her, and her lips. The fragrant flower behind her small ear, the reddish coloring that ran across the bridge of her nose for a few moments, he saw that, and loved whatever was happening to her skin. Sunday seemed too far away, now. He noticed Doc had what appeared to be an Earth cycle tracker on his thing called a fridge. Doc would write notes inside the boxes, and circle some days in black ink. He knew that time spent with her was going to be too quick, and had to think of another plan for when he came back to see her again, next cycle. Merrowman, I will owe you for life if you would continue to remain in my station in the sky, just so I can come down and see her on every cycle.

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