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A lone star floated quickly over to Kaleus who was talking with Merrowman, who, was trying to talk Kaleus from not going back down to Earth at the moment. By the time the small star got to the two Constellations, it was out of breath. It was shining in and out a few times, then composed itself.

Kaleus stared at Lucky. Lucky was just his nickname, his birth name being very long so his friends just called him, Lucky. "I got news, Kaleus. I stayed and watched over your human's home all night, and even managed to stay for some daylight hours, though, it hurt." Merrowman and Kaleus listened intently. "She is fine, your human, but had made a wish last night that she would rather die than not see you again. No one came to her Earth abode last night. But, I heard from another star that the male human is going to be released from his jail cell on Earth Tuesday, if that makes any sense to you?"

Kaleus headed towards the black hole. He didn't give a shit if Father saw him going there or not. Just before he dropped in, Merrowman grabbed him, and dragged him off to the side. Holding Kaleus down took all of Merrowman's strength and energy. Merrowman was not a warrior Constellation, rather, he was a Constellation that enjoyed doing leisure activities, like reading to the Fae and leprechauns, making meteorite furniture, and playing pranks on unsuspecting Constellations. Kaleus' sword began to glow and burn. "Merrowman, we have known one another a very long time. If you do not get off of me, I will strike you down."

Gwen was fearing for her friend's mental health. If she lost Annaliese, she would be alone in this world. Placing her hand across her forehead, she said as calmly as she could, "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Annaliese just tilted her head, and smiled. "Come over here. I found him. He is right here, in this book! Look!" Jesus, she has lost her mind and I am watching her have a breakdown right in front of me and can't do shit. Annaliese got impatient and picked up the magazine, then pointed to a cluster of stars on a glossy page. "Look! you can see his name. It's right there next to the white arrow." Gwen decided to humor her friend before they took her away. An asylum. Funny farm? What did they call those places these days? Institutions? Fucking nutjob storage houses???!!!! Gwen took the magnifying glass and saw a bunch of stars, some space shit, and then saw a few white arrows. Kaleusautaria and Damaskusautarian, Warrior Brothers. Southern Sky. There was some more gibberish about how big each measured, quadrants, and other scientific shit that she knew was way over her head. Gwen looked up into the daydreaming eyes of Annaliese. "You see, Gwen. He is real. It makes perfect sense, now. That is why he is so perfect and strange. He is from another world, he is a constellation." Gwen just shook her head in agreement. "Yes, yes, of course. He is a constellation that came down from the sky, you made him dinner, had sex with him, and he touched my head and told me to just "believe."

Gwen ran over to her cell phone to call an ambulance. While she dialed her cell, Annaliese was smiling brightly, hugging the magazine. "I love you, my Kaleus. I will wait until the next cycle like you told me, and we will be together." "Hi, yes, I need an ambulance sent over to -- Gwen never finished her sentence. Annaliese screamed, "HANG THE FUCKING PHONE UP NOW!" and Gwen ended the call. In all the years of their friendship, Annaliese never yelled at her like that, which shocked the fuck out of Gwen. Both women stared at one another, Annaliese clutching the magazine to her chest, and Gwen's hands at her sides. "I am sorry for yelling at you, but you are not listening to me! He is real, and he is right here in this book! He told me to wait until the next Earth cycle, which is probably when he is stationed in the sky, according to all the books I have read on constellations." She was talking at a mile a minute, but all Gwen heard were the ravings of a mad person. "I am taking you to the hospital, now put down that magazine." Gwen ran over to Annaliese and both struggled, Gwen trying to pry the magazine from Annaliese, and when the towel fell off of Gwen's head, Annaliese froze. Gwen grabbed the magazine. "What is it now??!" Gwen yelled at her, frustrated. This was getting to be too much. Annaliese grabbed Gwen and dragged her to the bedroom, flung open the closet door and pushed Gwen to stand facing the floor length mirror. Gwen's hair was fully back.

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