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"I think you had enough," Merrowman told a very intoxicated Kaleus, who was drinking one Alcohol Cloud shot after the other at the Supernova. It was packed with comets and new Constellations, just talking and drinking. Kaleus got up and lit his sword. It fired up and a few comets moved away from him. Kaleus, the quiet one, had the worst temper of he and Damaskus. Merrowman grabbed Kaleus and dragged him and his flaming sword out of the Supernova, while the new Constellations just gawked at Kaleus while the comets continued socializing, and didn't give one shit about a Constellation's sword lighting up the Supernova.

They floated over to a section of the sky that was vacant. It was not too far from the Queen's nursery, and every once in awhile, a cursing Damaskus could be heard, swearing that he hated mending curtains, that he wished he was in a battle, and that he was a damn warrior. "Hey, let's do another plan," Merrowman said, trying to cheer up Kaleus. "We can figure something out. I can hold off on going to Ireland for a bit longer. Let's get you back there and see her again." Kaleus just slumped down, his sword going out. He looked up at Merrowman. "I do not want to exist without her. If it means oblivion for me, then fine. But damn Father! He would punish her, too. She is innocent. We are innocent! Why can't we be in love and left alone? We are hurting no one!" He stood up and his sword burned again. "I wish to fight, battle. I need to slay something or someone."

Damaskus finished mending the stupid curtain for stupid Father. He floated over to the crater where Father was still holding speeches, this time, to a small crowd of newly born comets. Some had only one tail, while others had two. Damaskus waited by the side until Father bored the new batch of comets. When the comets disbanded, he floated over to Father. "I am done mending the curtains, Father." Father didn't even bother looking up, busy writing down a memo. "And what has a warrior learned?" He was still scribbling while Damaskus rolled his star eyes up. "That a warrior should never apologize. A warrior is not weak. We are strong." Father still would not look up. "YOU MAY GO NOW. YOU BORE ME, DAMASKUS."

Stupid, boring Father. I hate you. You mean nothing to me. Damaskus was busy inside his head cursing Father and almost collided with Kaleus. A very, very drunk Kaleus. He could smell the Alcohol Cloud on his brother's breath. "What is wrong?? What did I miss?" He looked from Merrowman to Kaleus, who was holding his sword up, swinging it. Merrowman motioned Damaskus over. "He is shit-faced drunk, as the humans say." Damaskus laughed. "Shit-faced drunk? I like that term. I will use it." They watched Kaleus swinging his sword in the air, chopping and cutting off imaginary heads. "Why is he so upset?"

After Merrowman explained the situation, and what they learned, Damaskus understood his brother's rage. "Damn it, Merrowman. Is there not another way? Die? She has to die in his arms?" Kaleus stopped swinging his sword and finished, "and be reborn as a Constellation, then she can stay with me forever." He went back to stabbing the air. "I have an idea!" Damaskus said. Merrowman got excited, after trying all cycle long to think of a plan. Kaleus stopped swinging, but had his sword next to his body. "Well, what if you got the female human pregnant with your starling? Would that allow her to be a part of our family, without her dying?" Kaleus' sword went out and he tackled his brother in a hug. "My brother! You may be the smartest Constellation I have ever known!" Damaskus laughed. "Well, if you two would have taken me, I would have suggested it. You know my mind is always on pleasure." All three were laughing. Would it work? Kaleus was more than willing to try.

"Tomorrow, we will go back to Elder Libra and ask him. He said we are welcome any time. I bet this will work, but I just want to run it by him, first." All three agreed that they would float over to the 7th House, and get their answer.

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