Chapter 9 The wedding

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That next morning I was a wreck, I don't even know if I slept with the stripper from last night! I arrived at the Chapel at about 11:30. I got my tux on and helped the ladies decorate. Sasha and Shaun had got to the wedding at about 12:00. Shaun pulled me in corner only to bash me about last nigh. After I explained to him what happened and how the stripper is threatening to come to the wedding he replied with "What ever the fuck pops of in there is your damn problem... You shoulda never fucking went in the the room with Hot Tea, Cocoa, or who ever the fuck!". Shaun lined up as the best man and Sasha lined up as the maid of honor. When Brenda came in she had a beautiful white dress on. She looked fine as hell. In a few minutes she will be my wife and I her husband. . Mr. Pope was tearing up a little bit as he walked Brenda down the aisle. "Don't fuck up", Mr.Pope said to me. Then, in a distance on the 7th pew, you could see Mia and Karren. Shaun could tell I was nervous so he whispered to him "Get yourself together your future wife is right there."Brenda said her vows and how she will obey and love me and, she will never cheat on me and all that stuff. In the middle of my vow I said "I promise to always be fait...faithe...faithful to you as my wi...wife."I could tell Brenda was upset because anytime I stuttered she knows I'm lying or I won't follow up on what she said. She looked at me and gave me the eye. You know that look women give when the mean "Keep playing and you're going to be in a heap of trouble." After, the vows we kissed and it was time to party! I met Shaun them at the reception and he was off to the bar. Now a little backup history on his life. Shaun used to be an alcoholic. He did it because of his first daughter's death. He doesn't like talking about it, so I don't ask. We had our first dance then after that it was time for me to get down. I went to the bar and saw Shaun at the bar ordering Ciroc. I left him alone and went on the floor you know getting down and drinking. Shasha had came up to Shaun and said "Stop drinking, Your drinking too much" to Shaun who clearly had too much. He could barely hear her over the music. He yelled in her ear in very drunk voice "Hey what you think about the wedding? You think you want one?" She yelled back in my ear and said "Boy, you play too much now come sit down and drink some water" and she tried to take my vodka. "Heck no, this is mine, now mo...mooo...movv..move." He said drunk and then all of a sudden the music stopped and everyone looked at the door.He turned around and said "Man, the party over already... Awww I was finna get laid tonight" and started crying on the floor. Then Brenda said "Tracey? Get out... There is a reason I did not invite you!!!" Then I heard the familiar voice saying "How can you commit a sin like this, after you done sleep with me last night." Shaun turned around and said "I NEVER" and asked the bartender for vodka on the rocks. Brenda said "What are you talking about... see that why I don't invite you to anything, let alone talk to you. You always start Drama". Then, I saw Hot Cocca say "Well your husband did that all for me last night at the strip club. But don't worry I don't think I'm pregnant." Next thing, I knew Shasha had Hot Cocca (or Tracey) on the floor pulling her hair and calling her a nasty slut. Hot Cocca had weave all over the floor and a busted lip. Then Brenda told me to come in the bathroom. I could tell she did not want her guest to know what had happened. She punched be me in my throat and said "Did you sleep with my sister? "What! I didn't know you had a sister" I replied. "Shhh... Brenda said. "Hot Cocca or Tracey" Brenda said."I didn't know and no i didn't sleep with her she gave kissed me and that was it" I said trying to defend myself. Brenda went back into the reception and told everyone that bad weather was coming and the party had to end quickly. Sasha dragged Tracey into the closet. Brenda changed into her Bride shirt and jeans. We were all in the closet wondering what to do with Tracey. Then Shaun came in and said "You Ice Tea now" at Tracey and laughed stumbling out. Sasha said "How can you sleep with her sister Javion?" I didn't know had a sister, and, let alone we didn't sleep together."Sasha said " I know! Yall just had sex!" Javion said "We almost did and then..." I explained everything. I went home and Brenda went to stay at Sasha's house. We left Tracey in the closet and locked left. I woke up at about 3 am and made my way to Mt. Pleasent. I was banging on the door. Shaun poured a glass of gin and opened the door for me. I came in and grabbed Brenda. Shasha told me to get out. Shaun asked me to come outside and talk andlet them cool down. I came outside and said "Man your bitch need to chill." Shaun told me to watch my mouth before I get laid out. "Man, watch who you talking to, you gonna get dropped" said I said ready to fight. He dove at my legs and started to punching me. I rolled over on top and started punching Shaun in the face and chest. Before you knew I had poured liquor on Shaun's face. The girls came out and started screaming and Brenda said "STOP Shaun." Then, the cop that lives next door named Drew, who is one of my friends, came out and broke up the fight. When I got up he had bruises on his face same as Shaun. I grabbed Brenda's hand and got in the car. We drove off. "Where are we going? Brenda asked. "To the hotel" I replied.

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