Chapter 1 - Peaceful Times For Once

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Hi. I wanted to do something with Syphon Filter because I recently beat the second game again on the PS4 this time and as difficult as that game is, it's really fun.

So I'm making this for my own entertainment mostly. Also it's a RWBY thing because isn't everything a RWBY thing despite how mid the show is.

Just to inform anyone who does know the game, I'm going off of the end of the second game with a few twists on the end levels.
Let's go.


-Somewhere on the outskirts of Vacuo-

A 35 year old man bursts through the door of a funeral home that sits next to a cemetery.

Gabriel Logan. Either goes by Logan or Gabe depending on who's addressing him.

Logan is an ex-operative of an unnamed Agency that was secretly using him for their own terrible goals.
After he discovered the truth of his own Agency, he abandoned it and swore to fight against it so that their plans never succeeded.

He looks to everyone in the room. There's Lawrence Mugari, someone who they recently met with who let them stay here. He was a high ranking official in the Agency, which meant he could give a lot of useful information to Logan about the Agency they planned to take down.

Sitting down by a computer was Teresa Lipan. A much younger ex-agent than Logan, who is a little hot headed, but she just wants to do what's right. It's what she believes in.

He then turns his attention to the bed within the room.

Lying in the bed, barely breathing, is Logan's closest partner and friend.

Lian Xing.

Lian is also an ex-agent. She, like him, was the best of the best.
And in the last few weeks she has proven that to be the case.

As of the last few days, Lian has been getting worse in her condition.
She's currently infected with something called the Syphon Filter virus.

It's a virus that's genetically modified to target specific people or groups of people, at least that's the idea.
It's not fully developed yet and many have been used as test subjects. Lian being one of them.

Even with that, the last few days she's been going on a lot of different missions to help find herself a cure and stop the development of the virus, all while trying not to keel over and die from this virus that is slowly killing her and causing her a lot of pain.

In Logan's hands are two things, a gun in his right hand, a vile of something in his left.

He hands it to Teresa.

"Get it to her now." He ordered.

The vile held the most important thing to Logan. The vaccine for Lian. It's the only way to save her from death now.

Teresa took the vile and wasted no time in getting to work.
Meanwhile Logan turned his attention to Lian. He went over to her and sat down on the bed next to her.

She felt the bed shift slightly and looked up to see the cause of the disturbance of her sleep.
She was immediately relieved to see Gabe looking down at her, worry clear on his face.

Gabe didn't like this sight. The sight of Lian looking incredibly weak, barely able to open her eyes.

"G... Gabe....." Was all she could get out.

"You're gonna be alright Lian, I got the vaccine and Teresa is working on that now." He told her.

Lian smiled a small bit, but not because of the news that she won't die, just that she can hear his voice again.

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