Chapter 16 - Traitor

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Back once again for this thing.

Not gonna waste time. Let's start.


"Come ooon James... Pick up alright..."

Ruby was curled up in her bed, trying over and over again to call James.

Every time she does, no answer.

"You promised you'd be back soon... At least answer me!"

Three weeks.

Three weeks ago, James left for Mistral.

When her call with him got interrupted, she wasn't sure if she should tell Ozpin or not.

She went anyway, and he was aware already as he had tried calling him as well, but no answer.

Her mind has been racing to think of everything that could have happened to him.
And it's making it worse for her.

"Come back... You have to..."

Her team were busy, not worried at all that he'd be in danger. Well, Blake is worried, but not as much.
The other two think he's just visiting someone.

She sighed as she gave up trying to call him.

Sitting up, she was about to go and get a shower before the door suddenly burst open. Blake was at the door and she looked panicked.


"Woah! Blake, what's wrong?"

"He's alive! He's back, but he's hurt badly!"

"James?... He's alive!? Yes! I knew he'd be safe!"

Blake dragged her to the infirmary, one the school had just in case.

They soon arrived there and when Ruby stepped inside, she could see the state he was in.
Almost covered entirely in injuries, some cuts, some bruises, a small few bullet holes. He looked like he fought through hell to get back here.

And he held a metal case in a vice grip. He wasn't letting go of it, despite looking ready to drop dead any second.

His dad was there trying to calm him.


Ruby ran over to his side and was afraid to touch him, worried she'd somehow make his condition worse.

Logan was pacing, livid that his son was in this condition. He should have gone himself, instead he let his son go alone and get hurt.

"Knew it... I knew we couldn't make a deal with that psycho!"

Ozpin stepped into the room and paused seeing James.

"What did she do....?"

"We sent him into a death trap, that's what." Logan corrected him.

As they argued about what happened, Ruby held James's hand.
That comfort helped him relax, as he was tensed up, still likely on edge.

"D... Dad...."

Logan stopped mid argument and went over to James. Ruby backed up, letting his dad talk to him.

James grabbed his arm.

"It wasn't... her... Leo.... Did...."

That was all James could get out before he lost consciousness.

At that moment Lian ran in and was horrified by the state her son was in.

Logan, however, was quiet. Scarily so.

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