Chapter 13 - "First" Mission

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We're back, guess this has become the main focus.

Which is fine, I enjoy it, even if no one reads it, I just wanna share my love for this underrated series, even if I'm not a fan of the PS2 games personally.

Now. Let's get started.


Team GUNN were sat outside by the bullheads.

Today was the day students got to do a mission accompanied by a professional Huntsman or Huntress.

James' team already finished their mission, it was just a simple scouting one that was definitely not in a specific area for any suspicious reasons.
They found nothing anyway, so they just paid no mind to it.

That's when team RWBY approached them.

"Hey, heard you guys got done early." Blake said as they stopped in front of them.

"Yeah, we just had a scouting mission, looking for any suspicious movements outside of the city." Mike answered her, shrugging. "Nothing of note except a few small Grimm. That's about it."

"Well we're about to head off on our one. We managed to get a really interesting one, up in Mountain Glenn." Yang told them.

"Up there? Isn't that a ghost town?" Jessie asked.

"Yes. Perfect for potential criminal activity, right?"

James suddenly paused at that, narrowing his eyes.

"Why didn't I think of there?" He said quietly. However, he wasn't focused on that, rather something more concerning.

Ruby managed to drag him over to the side after giving Yang the signal that she needed to talk to him alone.

She then held his hand.

"Everything ok, James? You don't look like you're all here."

"Hmm? It's uh... A problem came up when we were on that mission. Just found out a minute ago." James held his scroll up to her.

There was a news headline on it that read in big words "Gabriel Logan, The Unnamed Agency's biggest Terrorist?!"

"Wait... This is public, what-'

"This is old news technically. The Agency became public when they got desperate and shot up the streets just to kill my dad. Thankfully, he minimised the damage. The Agency was brought to light and everyone understood that they worked with a terrorist to gain a powerful weapon... Damnit." He sighed and looked really stressed. "They still won't know about the new stuff going on. You know, with Mara."

"Oh, ok. What's this for anyway?"

"More than likely a plan to get my dad out of the way. He's the biggest threat to Mara and her plans. With my mom pregnant, Teresa busy on the White Fang, Mugari is still looking into the old Agency to find any names that could still be around, which leaves me to deal with it alone, and they'll likely want to question me about how I'm raised."

Ruby was worried that he looked unnervingly stressed and worried.

"This is becoming a mess... Thankfully it's not going too public, the good thing about the Agency, is the lack of a real name makes it hard to find. Still... Fuck. That bitch is gonna slow us down now, she knows Ironwood is impatient!"

"Hey, hey! Calm down. It's ok. Breathe... Take a deep breath, it's going to be ok." Ruby sat with him and pulled him into a hug. "Your dad has pulled through a lot of things, right? He's unstoppable. A court case won't hold him down."

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