Chapter 7 - A Break

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We have returneth to this thing once again, immediately after the last part. That's when I started at least.

Now let's begin.


It's been two whole days since the mission Team GUNN did in secret.

James was able to quickly heal from the bullet wound and no one suspected a thing, just assumed he was sick and that was it.

However, one thing he dreaded about the aftermath, was how is mom would react.

His dad wouldn't have an issue. Gabe knew his son would be fine, he was smart and talented. He trained the boy himself, he knows the kid can take care of himself.
In fact, he was proud of him for going on his first mission and doing well.

However, he too was scared since he knew about the mission, yet didn't tell Lian, because he knew she'd react badly.

Yes, he got hurt, but he's fine in the end and even had an encounter with Mara Aramov, Rhoamer's second.
That's impressive.

Unfortunately, Lian was going to find out soon. She already knew, in fact, as Teresa sort of spilled it. She had to tell her about what happened so she wouldn't worry too much.

And now, James was sitting in Ozpin's office, discussing what happened. Yet in the back of his mind, he was waiting and bracing himself for Lian to arrive.

Ozpin was a little terrified too.

"Seems your team is quite a capable group. I'm impressed with you, James." Ozpin said as he looked over what they had. Mainly papers and that hard drive Jessie got for them.

"I'm lucky to have them. Couldn't have done it without them."

"I knew it was right to have you four team up. Despite the rough start, you seem to be getting along with them."

"Yeah. I get why Mike would be in denial about it... It's scary to think about, and we usually deny scary stuff like that... Not to mention his sister is marked as a test subject. Same with Mel and a few others here."

"I will ensure that nothing happens to my students. That I can promise. In the meantime, I have eyes being kept on the other names outside of Beacon. I may have to involve James."

"... I'm already involved." James said.

"Oh, no. Not you. I mean General Ironwood. He may need to be informed of this."

"And make sure he keeps it quiet." Professor Goodwitch said from the side. "We know how he loves to use his toys for things like this right off the beginning."

"I will make sure he does." Ozpin nodded in agreement.

"Ozpin, it's wonderful to see you again."

Both Ozpin and James froze.

"Shit." Both James and Ozpin said at the same time.

"Uh... Hi Mom."

"So..." Lian walked around to stand in front of James. "Mind telling me why you went into on a mission, in a dangerous place full of ex-Agency operatives.... And didn't ask me to disable to silent alarm."

".... What?"

"She's just mad you went to Teresa before her." Gabe said.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still a little bit upset you did something so reckless, but I'm glad you at least went the safest way about it." She said. "What did you think I'd do if you asked me? Ban you from leaving the house?"

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