Chapter 3 - Not What I Was Going For, But Ight

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Back once again, I'm enjoying this story to be honest so hopefully it stays that way.

Let's just get started.


James Logan sat on a seat inside of a bullhead that was taking him to Beacon Academy.

The talk with his parents was interesting.

He came home late last night due to the interruption and his parents were both understandably upset until he explained himself.
They were just glad he wasn't killed.

Upon telling them the news that he met Ozpin and was invited to join Beacon with the intent to help stop those who try to bring back Syphon Filter, they were all for it and just told him it was his choice.

So, James made his final decision on the matter and now here he is.

He had a bag full of all of his weapons and ammo. He didn't want to leave any of them behind.

His dad also gave him a parachute for some reason. Said something about using it during initiation just in case.

The last thing his dad said to him was this.

"Don't be dissuaded just because everyone else has aura and all that. You might feel like you don't belong there or deserve to be there, but just remember the bigger picture. You can help get rid of any trace of Syphon Filter. Just focus on that."

And with that he was off.

"Off to spend four years away from them. Least that's the idea, doubt I'll stop them day one... Also, everyone here looks a bit older..." He said to himself as he looked around. He then spotted a girl that looked somewhat familiar. "Oh right, that girl from last night. Ruby? I think that was her name."

Standing up he walks over to the girl to see she's talking to a girl with blonde hair.
He taps Ruby's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh! James! You got invited to Beacon too?!" She said in surprise, though she was happy to see him and made that clear by pulling him into a hug.

"Yeah. Weird I know, but again, long story. I'll save it for when I've actually secured a position here." He said returning the hug with one arm.

They separate and Ruby looks to the blonde.

"This is Yang, my sister. Yang, this is James, the guy I told you about." Ruby introduced the two.

Yang reached out to shake his hand and he did the same.

"So you're the guy that kept Ruby safe huh? Thanks for helping her out." Yang thanked him.

"It's fine. Though she probably could have handled it herself. She's got better skills than I do." James said.

That earned a small blush of embarrassment from Ruby, not used to such praise from anyone other than her sister.

"So why is it so surprising for you to be here exactly? Did you not plan to be a Huntsman?" Yang asked.

"Well, to answer it quickly, I don't have Aura. My family never was able to bring it out. I never went to a combat school or anything. So I never thought I'd make the cut. I just assumed it wouldn't happen.... As for why I still trained? Well.... Like I said, after I've secured a position here, I'll explain." He said as he looked out the window.

The two sisters talked for a bit while James was in his own world.

The bullhead eventually landed and they all got off the ship.

"Well, I'm gonna go explore the place before we need to be anywhere. See you two later." James said as he went his separate way.

They both waved as he left.

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