Chapter 6 - Abandoned Agency Labs

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Guess who is back once again to write stuff for fun. Because that's really why I do it honestly.

Anyway, imma start.


The city of Vale was dark, the street lights were starting to come on, with few of them failing to.

The bustling city reduced to a quiet, barren city, the streets mostly empty unless someone decides to head out for something in the middle of the night.

And sitting by the docks, waiting for any signs of life to show up, was team GUNN.

James stood up and looked around one more time.

"Doesn't look like anyone is around. Teresa was right. It's quiet... No one is guarding it."

"That means one of two things. Either they don't want to look suspicious, or-" Jessie started.

"The entrance is completely closed off." Mike finished her thoughts.

"And if it is?" Mel asked.

"There are other entrances. We'll get down there."

James walked ahead, crossing the road and heading into the dark alleyway.

The others followed and stopped at a drain.

"You're sure this is it?" Mike asked.

"Positive. Teresa knows what she's doing. Come on, before someone sees us and gets suspicious. We're still back at Beacon, remember?" He said as he got his flashlight out and turned it on.

They nod.

"We played Uno or something." Mel suggested.

"We'd be heard through the whole school." Jessie told her. "We'll figure that out tomorrow, for now, let's go."
The drain was no normal drain that led to a sewer pipe.

Instead, it was like a ventilation shaft, though the sides seemed to be burnt a little.
It was big enough nearly stand in.

"Can't believe I'm actually starting to believe this." Mike said.

"Part of me wishes you didn't have to find out if it was real or not. Sorry for dragging you guys into this."

"Don't be. We're glad to help. And if anyone asks, you're just a normal Beacon Student. We don't know anything." Jessie said, giving a nod.

"Yeah... Thanks... I owe you guys for this. I just needed your help, because I can trust you guys."

"What about Ruby and her team?" Mel asked.

"I want to involve as little people as possible. I know I told you all the truth, but I'd be happy if it just stayed as a story I told them rather than the truth. Weiss doesn't believe me entirely and the others just kinda forgot about it... That's good."

"And the relationship between you and Blake?" Mike asked.

"She's in on it..." He thought about how to lie about this. "She knew someone from the White Fang and had some useful information. Not much though." He lied.

"Got it. So the story is you two mutually broke up. Sounds good."

"Exactly. We were never together, just an excuse I told Coco to get her off our back."

They eventually reached an exit to the vent and pulled the cover off.

It was dark and quiet. No signs of anything going on, but they can't know that from here.

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